Name: Brandon Age: 20 IGN: Doshi Previous Guilds: Ideal for a day o-0 Reason for joining: New to this community, Succubus recommended it and I'm new here and love talking to others!
Name: TJ Age: 21 IGN: Oddchild Previous Guilds: N/A Reason for joining: I'm pretty new to the server and loving the nostalgia but maple has always been more fun when being in a community
I only applied to a new guild because Succubus told me yall were no longer recruiting I felt like this guild would be a great match for me but I didn't want to be guildless so naturally I applied somewhere else
Name: Alex Age: 18 IGN: Rezoune Alternate Characters: I don't play any of them atm EDIT: I do have a cleric(Raines) that I train from time to time, though I should still be on Rezoune most of the time Previous Guilds: Diabolic, Imperial Ban History: None Reason for Wanting to join: Helping others, making friends, and having a positive impact on a community are pretty much purpose(s) in life and in games. So for one thing, Radio's beliefs/ideals match VERY well with my own, and it would be a pleasure to be a part of your cause. I did apply for Radio recently, but deleted my post when I realized you weren't accepting applications anymore. Like the poster above, Oddchild, I did REALLY want to join Radio but since I didn't want to be guildless and I knew applications were not open, I applied and join Imperial instead. And I'll admit they were a very friendly and open guild, though recently I have noticed they were a bit dead. Normally dead guilds don't bother me too much so long as the people that do still get on are friendly. But, as the other members did confirm that the guild was much less active than it used to be, I felt it would be best if I said my goodbyes to them(though I did ask some of them to add me on BL) and try my hand at applying for Radio again. So that's how I got here again. Sorry if I seem like I'm disloyal to guilds or anything. Again, I joined Imperial since at the time it was better than being guildless. But I'd be more than happy to be a part of Radio now that applications are open again.
@bobdoe123 your original signature is so sick!!!!!! i rate it, DJ ERIC! Everything here looks amazing! Keep it up, everybody!
Doshi has been expelled from the guild for being perma banned. On the brighter side we'd like to welcome Umang, Nessa, Edward, Isabella, Diana and Megan to Radio! With that note though, Applications to Radio are closed now!
Name: Kirkland Age: 21 IGN:Kevinxjacobs Alternate Character: myhssiut Previous guilds: Unity, tease, oblivion, accension, truffles, existence and tastemybone Ban history: twice, once for posting illegal smega ( quite some time ago when i started) and once for getting into an argument with someone and telling them to ef off. These were a while ago and i have read the terms and agreemnets thouroughly and havent done anything wrong since
We are currently accepting new members. If you wish to join, please fill out the following application: Name: Age: IGN: Alternate Character: Previous guilds: Ban history:
Name: Angel, Dmitri/Dimitri (Cause it's my igns and also my Middle name so it'd probably be easier to remember) Age: 22 IGN: Dmitri (Cleric) Alternate character: Dimitri (Bowman) Previous guilds: Nemisis Ban history: None! Reason for wanting to join: My old guild could be fairly helpful but the most we would say is WB or Grats on leveling. I'd like to be able to talk to someone and have an active guild chat as well as get help. The game feels pretty lonely and the grind wears on you if you don't have someone to talk to. I'm a fairly shy person with an anxiety disorder but if I'm around friendly people I an warm up pretty easily and then I'm ridiculous! I try to help if I can and hopefully after a while I'll have enough knowledge to help other new people out. c: Note: Just wanting to mention, I did apply to another guild I think but their reqs are too high now so I totally dig the wanting to support newbies vibe here and really admire it. It's kinda making me want to play and level even more haha.
Name: Kirkland Age: 21 IGN:Kevinxjacobs Alternate Character: myhssiut Previous guilds: Unity, tease, oblivion, accension, truffles, existence and tastemybone Ban history: twice, once for posting illegal smega ( quite some time ago when i started) and once for getting into an argument with someone and telling them to ef off. These were a while ago and i have read the terms and agreemnets thouroughly and havent done anything wrong since
Name: Troy Age: 23 IGN: KawaiiHeals 144 bishop Alternate Character: ummm idk if i even remember them all.... Dandelion, SaphireBreez, KobatoChan, MeiiMisaki, AhriKawaii, LacyLaPlante, and then theres one more but i forgot the name. Previous guilds: I was the guild leader of Kawaii and MaidCafe ^ o ^ Ban history: I've never been banned Reason for wanting to join: I'm too lazy to rebuild Kawaii, and Succubus and CauseReasons were juniors in Kawaii and I know them well enough that I trust that they run an amazing guild and I'd like to be a part of it ^ ^ also also its easier to find people to leech for free or help out on pq's if I have a guild.
Name: Alan Age: 21 IGN: Cheers136 Alternate Character: None (Joined recently) Previous guilds: Foxy, Unwanted Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: I really appreciate a community that fosters positivity and support for one another. From meeting one of your members briefly, I already felt a great vibe and believe that I would be a good fit for your guild. Also, I hope to meet interesting new people and have a blast. Cheers~
Hello, thank you all for expressing interest in joining our guild! At this time, I would like to go ahead and update everyone on what changes have been made and to welcome our newest members. I personally like bad new first, then good news, so here goes Removed : Alyuria - Inactive TofuOfHell - Inactive Rezoune - Inactive Fraust - Inactive Cirdan - Inactive OddChild- Inactive Aire - Moved guilds We have moved ahead with the decision to remove the above members due to inactivity. We really strive to be an active guild and wish for all of our members to actively participate! However, previous members who were removed due to inactivity are welcome back at any time if they choose to be active. Denied : KevinxJacobs - Guild History I regret to inform you that we have come to the decision to deny your application at this time. We wish you luck in your future Royals endeavors! New Members injeenious [that's me! ] KawaiiHeals Plenty QueenBrandy I warmly welcome all of our new members to the guild! To all other applicants, we will be contacting you soon, so please sit tight. I promise we haven't forgotten you!