I'm almost done reworking this guide. Updated version will be posted within the following days if possible. I will update this post when a change is live on the OP. The following changes will be made: Completely reworked the formatting to be easier to read and nicer to look at (less blinding colours). Changed the entire coding to avoid the BB code from constantly fucking up. Shortened the guide a bit to leave out unwanted or no longer relevant info. Added more pictures to add structure to certain parts. Updated AP builds. Changed the Skill priorities for 4th job to max Assassinate earlier. Added formulas and numbers, as well as a DPS calculator. Changed the ME section to be more accurate. Reworked the Training section and included more accurate training advice. Reworked Bossing section to have a seperate sub-section on bosses and the fastest/most efficient way to kill them. Videos will be added later. Updated the Dropping section to include so-called Nate dropping. General update and correction of some minor mistakes. I hope more people can actually benefit and become even better Shadowers after I update this!
As @lilaznpnk said, you can only scroll certain items for LUK. Also, scrolling for DEX/STR is more efficient, since you get a higher base LUK and therefore a bigger MW bonus. It's a small detail, but still worth mentioning.
What's the amount of mesos dropped per krex eye? I know it says 70 mil to bomb krex, but how much per bag?
Both eyes have the same HP, so about 35m each. 5k bags are pretty standard.....at least, that's what I generally use.....though I've heard tell that using bags of 1337 is much more bad ass..............slower, to be sure, but oh so much more bad ass
Very complete! http://library.royals.ms/?cat=Shield&job=8 Look about str required to Dragon Kanjar use. Omg, so prideful, of this guides in MapleRoyal Forum. -iRewind
started a week ago on royals as a bandit throughout the week this thread was probably like my bible lol, training at himes with mesos explosion at 7x is just awesome awesome guide!!
just did 2 bigfoot after the server restart, my first time doing it first bigfoot - 11m second bigfoot - 8m but i believe my technique was wrong though, it was so spiky i at problems even dropping mesos i cant seem to pin the bigfoot behind the stacks i dropped i had to bomb twice, dark sight, lure him to the other side, and bomb twice again. can anyone share the correct procedure that will enable me to pin it at the left all the time? im getting it wrong
In my opinion, pinning is harder and unnecessary. Just drop 1-2m in 5k bags, anywhere in the map, and then, standing a little to the right of them, when BF is just about on top of them and coming towards you, bomb twice as he stops and jumps in the air. Just before the ME graphic finishes / BF starts to jump again, bomb twice again, and so on. You shouldn't have to use DS in between bombs, and should almost always be on the right side; of course, if you don't get the timing right, or are standing too far away so that he doesn't jump when you bomb, you'll sometimes have to bomb once on the other side, but you'll get better at judging all that once you've done it a few more times. And without assassinate/Bstep, don't expect to drop much less than 8m.
Not sure if someone said it already, but I'm pretty sure that they fixed the problem with assassinate disconnecting you from boss fights when you use it. Not 100% sure, but I could have sworn it was said somewhere. If it is, please let me know, If it isn't, still let me know aswell! Thanks
The assassinate skill works great but apparently taunt still doesn't work for shads but it works for NLs -_-
Where do i bind the paste command at? and how to do it? =( Really helpless and lost Can someone please help?
I have 50 dex and rest luk now. I'm level 30 Bandit. Should I wear items that give me luk or that give me dex? I don't want to put anymore into dex.
Hey so I'm trying to do the whole mouse keys drop thing on macbook pro and have a couple questions: When I have mousekeys on, I can no longer use keyboard shortcuts like ctrlV pasting. Why does this happen? How can I make it so i can paste? I also cannot type, which is kind of annoying. It seems to render my entire keyboard useless outside of being able to click with the "I" key. Also, how can I bind ctrl v to a single key on macbook pro?
Honestly, do what you like with your stats as a bandit IMO. You're gonna be PQing to 72, and then bombing for quite a while from there if not forever. I know its not advisable, but I added the STR to use the lvl 80 khanjar just cause I think it looks cool.