Who's your crush on MapleRoyals? It could be someone you know or even someone you don't know, don't be shy! And if you want to be anonymous in announcing your crush feel free to PM me and I can post it for you. Personally I have a few Royals crushes; my crush and Lubber would be @Daniel with his sexy beard. There's also my long time crush @Wolf and my old and new crush @Christian. Finally there's my new found crush the lovely @Groundhog. So, how about you? Who's your Royals crush?
SOME CRUSH, you won't even give me your digitz </3 Tbh Robber you are also one of my secret Royals crushes. When I see your name in the shoutbox I immediately become 200% more inclined to say something there. So yeah I can expect to receive digitz in like a week now, right? My other secret Royals crushes, about to be not-so-secret: @Katsuruka : Congratulations on your promotion! I've never talked to you, but reading a few of the things and messages you've written has me convinced as to the unquestionable beauty of your soul. Seeing your name on a thread makes my weak heart flutter. @Rizzles : Best minivan driver NA. So happy to discover that you're the same kind of trash as me LOL My love for you is almost as great as my love for your mom's spring rolls <3
@MrsAdventure @mssekkostar ez Special mentionsss: Spoiler: gr8 m8s @Blubbly @Julie @greuter1 @dispel @Penny @Contemplated @Elainey @heyemily54 @Pusskramhaj @Eika @Courtney @Romina @Jace @LittlePuff @Virtumonde @NightcoreFtw @Groundhog
I have had a crush on @carcrash (brakelights/LameAF/R2D2/C3PO/screwdriver/tailgate/stopsign/windshieldwipers/steeringwheel/redlight/greenlight/yellowlight/HerbieFullyLoaded/hubcaps/fuelguage/parkingticket/yieldsign/licenseplate) for the longest time.
here's a small i love you video i made for @yomamma1134 , the first time i saw you scroll something a fire started in my heart that nothing could extinguish. you're my little traffic cone smh lol nobody link my quitting thread, i hate that lying sack of shit @Huff