updated points & added two more runs. tuesday&wednesday at 21:30 server time. (GMT+1). Please let me know if I added your points into the incorrect column (i.e. you don't need egg, etc).
IGN: Lunatic Job: Corsair Level: 162 Which of the up and coming runs can you make? Tuesday and Wednesday Do you have a HTP, Job 30 book, Egg, MW20? Don't have anything.
oh boy, time to not get rekt by dcs this time.. piece of shit comp. Signing up on Shiva for both runs!
IGN: MussE Job: Bishop Level: 16x Which of the up and coming runs can you make? Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30 pm Do you have a HTP, Job 30 book, Egg, MW20? HTP & Egg @maggles Am I suppose to have 5 points in mastery book? Or does HTP drain mastery book points?
IGN: Realizze Job: Paladin Level: 161 Which of the up and coming runs can you make? Both tuesday and wednesday runs Please Do you have a HTP, Job 30 book, Egg, MW20? I have HH 30, but nothing else. I mainly want exp from the runs. P.S. Sorry for missing last run, didnt know how it worked.
updated parties, still recruiting. Yes you are suppose to have five points. 2 successful runs = 4 points. 1 unsuccessful run (at heads) = 1 point. 4 points + 1 point = 5 points. Unless I am missing something o-o
IGN: BeatsGoesOn Job: Bishop Level: 163 Which of the up and coming runs can you make?Tuesday and Wednesday Do you have a HTP, Job 30 book, Egg, MW20? Don't have anything.
Is there any chance that a few future runs could take place at a slightly later time? I get off of work at 10:30 PM server time and can't make it to any of the weekday ones
sorry, but a later time wouldn't be fair on the european players that have work/commitments the next day (not the mention i'm in that time zone :/), I could try hosting earlier runs, but i'm not really later.
That's alright man, I get where you're coming from Do you know of any squads that are US based that are as good (or close to being good) as your squad?
Not really, I try to cover both the European/US Timezones, but the runs are a bit early in the US during the weekdays if you have work. I know Dsea covers the early American timezone? or late night.
IGN:90210 Job:shadower Level:174 Which of the up and coming runs can you make? tuesday and wednesday (if room) have all except mw20!