I couldn't find any right guide of bishop's m.a table, Bella's is wrong. maybe cause it was written long ago and things changed? ele wands nerf? no idea, but it's false. any1 know 1 hit ulu2 1hit skele 1 hit squids ?
Calculate it yourself with the mage's minimum damage formula. You don't have AMP or an ele wand bonus as a bishop, so ignore those. It won't be perfect, because of monster defense, but it should be good enough.
If you're too lazy to use the formula, I made a Magic Damage Calculator: http://royals.ms/forum/threads/magic-damage-calculator.30441/ Here are my findings: Ulu Estate II: 1260 Magic with Genesis 20 1200 Magic with Genesis 30 Skeles: 1358 Magic with Genesis 20 1310 Magic with Genesis 30 Squids: Same as Ulu Estate II