Hello MapleRoyals Team i Think u Need To Add Some New Things to The Server Like : BossPq- That u Can get points From Killing Boss And Trade ur Points For Special Items/ Nx Points /Scrolls / Throwing Stars And Even (2xExp Tickets) Some New "System"(Quests) That Get u Exp- /Special Items And things like That So People Can Do this Things And Not Just Train & Train & Train.........!. And The Market Can Be "Better Place" To Sell the iTems u get From BPQ- Cusotm Quests. And u Can Sell BPQ Run's For People And Make Money . So Pliz Read this And Think About it. i Got iDea's For items And All That Things And i can make Some Npc's for Quests So if u want Hear More just Message Me RoyalTeam
I think people would pay more attention and perhaps take your idea to a further level if you learned to properly type and spell. That grammar.
I didn't get that far. I couldn't read it because the rainbow of colourful text made my eyes hurt!! >_<
tb;dr b = bright Anyway. We want to get the reg PQs working before adding new ones. And we're not adding any quests until we fix the quest glitch because the server would probably explode from everyone doing the new ones. Also, err...nostalgia? Not a lot of it in what you're suggesting. 2x Exp tickets don't work and we don't really want them to. We've got some other ideas in the works to add new content to the server. Also, you already have quests and bosses to take care of. No one's making you grind all day. And...sorry if this was rude/not coherent but I have the flu. Anyway ilu all. Your colors make me want to gouge my eyes out, and someday I'm going to cut off Dan's beard to make him cry. kthxbai
Obviously no one cares about that! Once you go on the internet, you're supposed to magically speak fluent English out of nowhere! If you fail to do this, you should not speak your mind at all because you don't belong here... On-topic: While most people like BPQ and it's reward system on many other servers, I personally believe it ruins a big part of Maple as a whole. We all know Maple is a typical Korean grind MMO with the same repetitive gameplay 24/7. But that's just how it is. BPQ changes the game to such an extent that you go from grinding mobs and farming them for better equips, to grinding bosses to speed up the process and get good equips as a reward through a point system.. Not only this, the moment people are able to "sell BPQ leech" it kills the game entirely. Just my 2 cents
or pvp =D I quited b4 pvp came out on maple but i used to love wanting to pvp =D But that might be a little too far off, just throwing it out there
You've done absolutely nothing by saying that. You could have help him more If you would've fix his mistakes. I can't read this because it's too colorfull and messy for me... I'll probably read it later ^^
PvP and MS doesn't go together in my opinion. Sure we have CPQ and ArPQ, but pure PvP doesn't seem right.
Most genius reply on this entire forum. Some bigshot company should hire both of you, you're definitely an idea-man!