@Tyronethesavior hoolala, Ukelele, Depart, Laugh, Derbal ..I'm not entirely sure if this was the right "SV Group" pic on my list...but.. it's the only one I can find on here >:
@herpderp Sorry herp, but I have to make another change for my character I deleted all of my comments and writing this one I uploaded the picture I want and hopefully this is the last one lol
Thanks lols if you wanna make changes its fine .. I'm trying to catch up on the list D: ..one day I'll be up to your picture uU;
... I totally didn't forget your forum name..nope >3>; Brakelights (every time I looked up your character it was wearing something else and had a diff hairstyle u.u; )
@Moo Muuuuuuuu I may have drawn the wrong character here -coughs- ..mostly cuz.. yeah. warcow. I had to. ^^'
you asked me to like..forevers ago D: ..sorry it took me like.. 7ish..8 months :c and you're welcome ^^
Oooooh thankyou~ You made me look so pretty. I like my horns. Who's the guy on fire that's on my back though?
Hey, Vicki. I was wondering if you could add to my picture you already made? If not, then don't worry about it. And you can do it just after everyone else. I made a new male character and his picture is in my signature. Would you mind adding him? The nx on the thumbnail, but the hair on the one in the signature.
I wanted to upload a few pics I drew tonight ^^' ..not full paintings..sorry x: @Kivin JaseyRae @Ghoul Gh0ul @Speedo Speedo