Name: Oran (AKA Brocco) Age: 20 IGN: TilOrange Alternate Character: Kishu (Lv.20 GPQ Character) Previous guilds: Aurora Ban history: Got banned for a few hours once for trading with a guy who got hacked (I had no idea it was a hacked account and I just bought an AP Reset from him so I got unbanned after a few hours). Reason for wanting to join: I've met a few or your guildies and they seem great, they are really nice and helpful. I was looking for an active guild that really has a Soul (Not only bossing and stuff like that), where the people really talk to each other and get to know each other. I enjoy helping people and teaching them how to program . I am a GPQ freak and I really like leading or joining a GPQ at any time so thats mainly how I can contribute along side with getting together with everone on the guild. Thanks and have a great day!
Name:Gal Age:20 IGN:Warrior Alternate characteroctorGal Previous guilds:Aurora Ban history:Nope~ Reason for wanting to join: at first just wanted to join with a friend(tilOrange) Now that i see your values i feel much more excited to join! i love community projects but didnt had a chance to donate back much to the mapleroyals community! i think that if we can all contribute and help everyone grow together we could help people have a better day,meet some friends,and advance in thier epic maplroyals journey! hope to see you in the guild?
Name: Zack Age: 23 IGN: Utalitarian Alternate Character: None Previous guilds: None Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: Talked with TilOrange a bit and he made the guild seem like a community that you would want to be apart of, one that helps people out and returns the favor when needed. These are the types of people I like to be around because I am that way myself. I will give 100% effort and nominate myself when needed or asked, and enjoy doing so. I like being around an active community, and from listening to what TilOrange said this seems like one. I hope to see you all in the guild. Thanks, Zack
Name: Jenny Age: 21 IGN: GirlFawkes Alternate Character: 0 Previous guilds: WeirdKids Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: Tbh, I just wanna GPQ and ZAK with people who are chills.
We are currently accepting new members. If you wish to join, please fill out the following application: Name: Age: IGN: Alternate Character: Previous guilds: Ban history:
Name: Ericka Age: 17 IGN: ericka Alternate Character: N/A Previous guilds: Smexy, Guardians Ban history: None Reason I want to join: I want to be part of a more interactive guild that participates in social events and boss runs.
Name: Lydia Age: 20 IGN: femmefatale Alternate character: moncopain (not active on this char) Previous guild: Smexy Ban history: none Reason for joining: Current guild is inactive because everyone is quitting I'm super active and my friend recommended me to join this guild I miss being in an active guild that socializes and bosses together. Hopefully we can all hang out!
Name: Nancy Age: 22 IGN: moonlite Alternate character: none for now Previous guild: University Ban history: none Reason for joining: My previous guild was very inactive because everyone quit or stopped playing. I'm super active and my friend recommended me to join this guild. My cousin is also part of this guild! I want to take part in an active guild that socializes and know how to have a good time.
Name: Dave Age: 21 IGN: JCrew Alternate character: PacketEditor is the only alt that's active. Previous guilds: Vanity Ban history: None Reason for joining: My previous guild disbanded around the same time I went on vacation. I'm back now and looking to stick around for the long haul . I'd like to join Radio because it's always left a positive impression on me through its friendliness, camaraderie, and willingness to help others. I'd like to be apart of the same group that makes MapleRoyals great.
Welcome to Zack, Jenny, Ericka, Nancy, and Lydia! Sorry to those I have yet to message. Please send a messenger invite to injeenious whenever you are online. It has been hard to find you guys Note to all inactive members that were removed;; Please feel free to message me or one of the other juniors when active again!
ERICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. Yes I think we did, but lemme know if you ever wanna be re-added <3 Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Name: Aron Age: 19 IGN: Ziah Alternate Character: Ciroc Previous guilds: Capcom quit when the guild died Xmas of last year. Ban history: None Reason for wanting to join: Recently Rejoined royals and I'm lonely all of my friends are gone. Would love to join c:
Hey Aron! I should be on in about 8-9 hours or so. For all future applicants, please add me in game after applying whenever you get a chance please! My ign;; injeenious