I've noticed that a lot of the female exclusive NX clothing items are donator only, while almost none of the boys are? Why is it like this? It seems unfair to me.
All donor items I have are donor exclusive, you must give examples cause I really don't know what you are talking about.
I think what he means is that if you look at Female NX equips vs Male NX equips, you will find a lot more Female NX equips in the donor shop than you will find male ones. But his sentence is really confusing and I might have misunderstood it too! but I think I got it right
"I've noticed that a lot of the female exclusive NX clothing items are donator only, while almost none of the [male only NX clothing items] are [donator only but rather just standard NX]? Why is it like this? It seems unfair to me." That seems clear to me?
Perhaps but the entire thread isn't clear to me. Yes there's more female exclusive NX in the donor shop than there is male, but.. There is by far more female exclusive NX in the game than there is male. The ratio of how much female exclusive is probably equal to the male exclusive, just the amounts of actual items just differs by a lot. I expect people to do some research when they make a feedback thread, since they want something to be different or equalized. In that case examples and statistics would have been key to his post. Since nothing is provided at all, all I can assume is that he looked at the donor page and was like "hmmm, there's a lot more female nx here than there is male". You get my point right? If you only have 5 Male NX equips total (example), and 30 Female NX equips then of course it's going to look like there's more Female NX equips in the donor shop even if the ratio is even like 1:6.
Oh god, sorry I was so confusing. Stan got it right though! For example just looking at hats, there are around 7 male exclusive hats you can buy without having to be a donor, while there are 0 female exclusive hats you can buy without having to be a donor. Also I just noticed this, but what does it mean where the buy area is grayed out but it's not found in the donor shop? Thanks!
I've just counted 16 male exclusive hats in non donor shop and 34 female exclusive hats in the non donor shop. I really don't understand what you're trying to say :s To your second question: I assume you mean the part where the buy button is greyed out? But that's a bug you can bypass
Well this is kind of a Nexon/original Maplestory problem. The nx items that are non-donor are the ones that were released at the time of v62. The donor ones are items that were added in later versions.
Oh okay thank you Thom. I guess it can't be helped then. @Demious WAIT I'm probably confused I thought that the grayed out buy button meant that they were donator items, I didn't know it was a bug that you could bypass. I think most of the female exclusive NX items are bugged then lolol. Also, I was counting the hats in the non-donor shop.