Unfortunately 4 out of the 10 people that signed were nowhere to be found but the real troopers still went on a run and managed to complete it in 2,5 hours. We were well rewarded for this adventure with XP and some juicy books [mw20, gen30 and zerk30] Congrats to Retrospec for learning the ropes of HT and getting a pendant and egg
If there's a run tomorrow again, I'd like to sign up IGN:hangjovi Job/Level: 166 Dark Knight Need:Exp and whatever left over.
If there's a run on the 17th at 7pm GMT: IGN: Refeia Job/Level: 159 Bowmaster Need: HTP and Egg. If it's earlier than 7pm, I probably won't be able to attend
unfortunately I don't have time to host today but I'll try to schedule one for next week and let everyone know in advance if there will be a run by changing the next run date on the first post.
If there is a HT run, i would like to join! IGN : xxDeetxx Lvl : 155 Job : Shadower Need : Exp and splits if there are
I would like to join if there is one. Ign:Hangjovi Lvl:168 dark knight Need:experience and w.e left over
Books are still available for people that have points and a lvl 120+ character that need them, updated first post to see what's available