Yeah I play many different games. Some of them are: CS:GO Soldier Front (1 & 2) MapleRoyals Runescape (occasional) Drift City (rarely) NFS World
I used to play more videogames, but now adays It's mostly Maplestory and fighting games, like street fighter 4 & ultimate marvel vs capcom 3.
Been playing FFXIV, lvl 40 Bard atm :3. Excited for the pvp when it comes out. But used to play Wotlk(wow) and some panda, Diablo 3 when it was hard and alittle after paragons. BF3, I tried guild wars 2, and path of exile but couldn't get into them. And i normally come back to maple ever so often.
Aion, Tera Rising, Counter-Strike: Source (or Global Offence, it's pretty much just a re-skin). Those are the main ones anyway.
NBA 2k11 alllllllllllllllllllllllllday long. 2k11 is by far the best NBA game ever made, and the "My Player" mode is SO addicting.
Pokémon? Oh, and League of Legends intermittently... I hope I'm not double posting this. I'm too lazy to check earlier pages. @.@
Used to play a lot of competetive cod 2...but the community is now dead and rest of the cod is just shit But right now i play simcity/starbound/hearthstone and also trying to get my lol account unbanned
Heres some games Ive played/playing/going to play soon Half Life Half Life 2 Little Fighter 2 Counter Strike 1.6 MapleRoyals Illutia Rayman 2 GTA Vice City San Andreas Multiplayer Pokemon Roms with emulator And many more
Used to be a big console gamer. -CoD 4-Black Ops (turned to shit midway through MW2 imo) -Halo 1-4 (4 made me such a sad panda...) -GoW 2 (1 was too buggy and 3/Judgment are total shit) -Elder Scrolls Oblivion/Skyrim (sunk a large portion of my life into these 2 guys...easily over 200 hours played between them) -Fallout 3/New Vegas (So many many...) Migrating to the PC world now, I mostly play WoW (Arena-Tournament), MapleStory (Royals <3), and Final Fantasy 14 (once my PC is finished )
Yeah played a bit.. this is on record since I got Steam in late December 2003 though. My compiled list of old (and semi-new) PC games I enjoyed are: Heroes of Might and Magic I,II,III and V, 3 being the easily best (IV sucked ass) Age of Empires I and II (not sure which releases I tried out, and I really enjoyed the spin-off Age of Mythology) Starcraft + SC: Brood War and Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Command & Conquer: Red Alert GTA for MSDOS Need for Speed (played a few, don't really remember, loved Underground) I could make an endless list but only inlcuded the ones that bring back memories. Also I am (was) a beast at 007 Golden Eye for the N64 in pvp mode. Wish I never sold my N64
MASS EFFECT MASS EFFECT MASSSS EFFEEEEECCCCTTTTT borderlands (1 and 2), all the bioshocks (2 is my fave, though), Final Fantasy XIII and a bunch of other games I can't remember
Pokémon (A LOT), and other old time classics like Mario, Sonic, Zelda, etc. And CS:GO, osu!, League of Legends, Path of Exile, Skyrim, C&C (Red Alert especially), played a bit of WoW, too.
League of legends - summoners name: plsdunban. Banned 8 times for trolling, talking sh*t and not afraid to get banned some more Xbox one - forza 5 and bf4. Add my gamertag if you'd like: kelcray
My all time faves, like a lot of you, are gunbound, gunz (rank 4 babyyyy), and mu online. Now I only play osu and league, but not really league, I just play custom games there :c
Minecraft is always a fun one. I've tried The Stanley Parable, it is freaking cool. Will soon be buying a N64 and replaying all those old games, for REAL nostalgia! Crossfire is a simple FPS, very popular as well. Some people don't like the graphics, but I like the actual gameplay more than any other thus far. Cube World looks great, but I haven't actually tried it. Pacman on my phone (it is the only game I have, not a smart phone) I tried CIV5 with a couple friends tonight. It is really cool/interesting. GTA San Andreas and GTA V are amazing. Pokemon is always fun. I recommend