Alex if you want me to update the Junior list, skype me sometime with a list of the current active junior's IGNs. They won't get bios though.
Barbell's NX give-away #1: The contest: Make a playlist of pump-up songs. The Prize: 100k NX* *If there is a very close runner up, I may award a second prize of 30k. Not guaranteed. How to enter: PM your tracklist (preferably with links) to me on forums. Include your character IGN.** **You must be a current, active member of boobs in order to participate. Active is defined as logging in to the character that is in the guild a minimum of twice a week. Since I don't really play anymore, @carcrash will help me judge. Requirements: Between 7 and 12 songs. Usually the more the merrier, though if you feel like you have a great smaller list and don't want to "water it down" quality can be just as important as quantity. Variety is encouraged. Songs may not include ambulance or police sirens. Air raid/tornado sirens are fair game. English strongly encouraged, but not mandatory for all lyrics. You may PM me on forums (or skype, if you have my skype. Hint: it's in the guild BBS) if you have any questions, including regarding my taste in music or to see an example of playlists I've previously used. And that's it! Go crazy! Entries due by 9/5, next saturday.
Hey there guys, I'm new do this server (just started a day ago but almost to 2nd job) and was wondering if there's some room for little old me. I overheard a couple of your guild mates talking in the fm (not a stalker I promise!) they seemed like really cool peoplez so I'd love to join you guys . I played GMS for quite a while until I got tired of getting hacked and moved over to Extalia for a little. Most people like to just call me nemo cause it's so close to my name. My IGN is DeathWatch.
I told Brakelights id comment on this thread again. But i cant think of any good boob related memes. So take a charity bump instead
Hi I'm new to Maple Royals, and after seen constantly seeing members of Boobs everywhere I would like to request to join your awesome looking guild. Why? Because Maple is more fun with others . My IGN is DipNut and I am stilll only level 20 (started 2 days ago) but I am online daily. I should be level 30 by the end of tonight. Will have a few hours to grind later
@omegaz Whisper me (IGN: brakelights) whenever you're online. If I'm not online, I'll try to find you whenever I'm online. Welcome to Boobs !
"Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Peasus Krist?" -Boobs Yes I do have time. Please invite me to this guild and enlighten me. I'm constantly on edge and need Peasus in my life. I may only be a level 34 nub spearman but in this cold maple world my soul feels much older. I ask to be blessed by this guild as my nub self does not have friends besides my nub brothren, FatDabs. We are constantly being rekt by Teddies in the Hell the call "Ludi". We've tried every training guide, skill build, potion but we constantly struggle. Please Peasus and fine members of the "Boob" society have mercy on my soul. ign: fatLines
ign : healersosta lvl 122 bishop i want join the guild because i like apqing so much and wanna go in zak runs as bishop and i knew a little about gpq that i can learn or know better i want active guild to do guild things with and my current guild i believe they r good persons but no apq and 1 gpq in week or 2 and no zak runs made by guild itself because no many people who are able to do that or active
Just started the game and I got bored of playing alone.Been playing royals for about 2-3 weeks. Went on forums to look for a guild and boobs simply stood out because of the name since ya, boobs. I am fairly active, lvl 100 ice mage, and I'm up for whatever. ign PoopStorage
Here they are ~ Spoiler: Mushroom :3 And while I was going through my screenshots, I also found these old pics ^~^ Spoiler Boobs is a fun guild ! I promise !