Bye Marty. Would have preferred to see a "thanks for existing and being a game which I was able to spend 2 years of my life on", but ok. Live long and prosper, as Spock would say.
I love how Matt liked your post even though you called him out There's a reason I called out 80% of staff to 'not deserve it', it referring to a statement like that.
I never got to meet you here on Royals but I feel like you're just a superstar of a person and not everyone in this server can handle it. You're smart, organized, and pro. You make cute characters. Ok maybe some think you are dramatic, but how is that a bad thing? 10/10. Would stalk again. Hopefully I get to meet you in your next life.
yay im not cancer! To people who have replied to this thread, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Marty ily Thanks for all the small things; like making Wings, joining Inferno, posting those spicy cock pics, etc See you later, bamboo boy
They were clever enough to notice that you only wanted attention but not clever enough to stop themselves from giving it to you. Thought it would be a good idea to mention it for you guys.
Thanks for stating the obvious, we totally didn't get it. Thank you for this absolutely necessary post.
Man if you're not gunna quit then stop making these threads this has got to be like the third now! Peace out anyways if its for real, have a good one.
See you if and when you come back, otherwise see you on Skype! Knew I had it somewhere! A really old screenshot from when you were in the staff and I was a Forum Mod but wasn't a GM at that point! Spoiler: Back in early 2014
I have known him in multiple servers and even though it's very unprofessional, they have every right to do so. Either way, I have seen good and bad sides of you, Marty (not even gonna get started about Marisa) but you seemed to be very judgmental of a person you didn't even know. But on the other side I did respect you for a while, you were true to your shad. Had some funny moments here and there, took a huge participation in the Royals community and made yourself recognized as a giving character. Too bad your bad parts reflected a lot on to my ideas of what kind of person you are. *cough aeon cough* anyway, I wish you all the best and hope you succeed in getting whatever it is that you're doing irl. Brice`~