HP Washing For New Players

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Gossamer, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Gossamer

    Gossamer Donator

    Apr 15, 2014
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    I am currently looking for people to test Minimum MaxMP values for me (Level 30-200). I am willing to give you free AP Resets, depending upon your criteria. I am also looking for Job Advancement HP/MP Gain Data. If you'd like to help, please message me in game, or Forum PM, or by commenting below. You can also just comment with your Class, Level, And HP/MP Gain from a Job Advancement (Any Job Advancement). TY!

    WARNING!: This Guide has been updated to account for the addition of Mass Dispel to Horntail, BUT many statistics are still in question. So PLEASE OVER-COMPENSATE for everything in this guide just to play it safe.

    WARNING!: Everything in this guide is based upon AVERAGES! If you want to be safe, feel free to go above and beyond the listed minimums.

    You can find a more detailed guide here

    Who Should HP Wash?
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The only classes that NEED to HP Wash are:

    1. Assassins
    2. Archers: Bowmen and XBowmen
    3. Gunslingers
    4. Spearmen

    It is recommended that you also wash Fighters, Pages, and Brawlers, but you don't NEED to in order to play MapleRoyals.

    Should You HP Wash?

    If you don't HP Wash, you could end up not being able to take on certain bosses late in the game, which would be unfortunate. But now that Horntail can Mass Dispel; Assassins, Bowmen and XBowmen, and Gunslingers that wants to regularly take on Horntail passed level 155 will need qutie a bit of money to HP Wash to 9000HP.

    If you aren't funded, it is reommended that you create a mage as your first character, so that you can fund a Sin, Archer, or Gunslinger as your second character, and be able to wash them properly (and leech them, because you're not going to have much of your damage stat). You could also create a Fighter, Bandit, Buccaneer, or Page because they don't require any washing for Horntail. And if you're deadset on starting your MapleRoyals career as a Sin, Archer, or Gunslinger, and you don't care about Horntail, then go right on ahead and don't worry about washing.

    In other words: Only make a Sin, Archer, or Gunslinger if you're funded.

    Relative Costs:
    Assassin: 3.5-5b
    Archer: 4.5-6b
    Gunslinger: 4.5-6b
    Spearman: 1b

    What Will This Guide Do For You?

    This guide will let you know exactly what you need to do, to make sure that you have 9000 HP by level 155, so that you are able to fight Horntail at the leechable level. That is the, generally accepted, bare minimum requirement in order to play MapleRoyals, properly.

    This guide will not, however, teach you how to calculate anything. It only instructs you, and doesn't waste any space with the magic mathematics involved.

    How to HP Wash:

    Phase One - Accumulating Extra MaxMP:

    Sins, Archers, and Gunslingers should MP Wash during Phase One. Refer to the MP Washing Section.

    The first step to HP Washing is adding INT to your character early on in the game (preferably around Level 30-50). This INT will give you extra MaxMP upon every level up. You can add to your INT either by adding it into your AP, or by wearing equips with INT bonuses. The amount of INT you need to have/wear can be referenced in the class specific tables found at the bottom of this guide. How to acquire equips with INT can also be found at the bottom of this guide.

    Note: You only have to wear your INT equips when you are leveling up! You can just equip them when you are at 99.99%, level up, then remove them!

    Note: The 4 INT you have at the beginning of the game counts towards HP Washing as well!

    Note: INT only works in sets of 10! If you need 20 INT, 19 INT will not suffice!

    Phase Two - Converting Extra MaxMP into Extra MaxHP

    You will, eventually, convert this extra MaxMP into extra MaxHP using AP Resets. (In layman's terms: You get some extra mana from all that intelligence you have. Now use AP Resets to rip out all that extra mana you don't need, and throw it into your health, because you need lots of health to fight Horntail.)

    The steps to the process can be found further down in the guide.

    You can wait until pretty late in the game to actually start using AP Resets to add to your HP. It's only Phase One that you need to do early on in the game. The only class that needs to worry about when they use their AP Resets is thieves, and you can wait until after level 100.

    Phase Three - Getting Rid of Your INT:

    Once you have reached your MaxHP goal, you will need to get rid of all your INT (equips or raw AP). If you used equips, you can sell them, and get your investment back. If you used Raw AP, you will need to use AP Resets to reset all that INT back into your Main Stat.

    If you want to get more complicated, you also have the option of getting rid of this INT as soon as you have enough Extra MaxMP, before ever converting it to Extra MaxHP. Only do this if you have calculated everything accurately, yourself.

    Calculate Minimum MaxMP:

    You can, technically, skip this step with minimal consequences!

    Once you reach your "Minimum MaxMP", you won't be able to wash out any more MP points. So, it's important to calculate how many washes you will be able to do, to make sure you don't end up missing a damage stat for a couple levels, or risk buying too many AP Resets. You can only pull points out of MP if your MaxMP is greater than or equal to your Minimum MaxMP.

    Here are the formulas to calculate your Minimum MaxMP:

    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Thief = (14 x level) + 148
    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Archer = (14 x level) + 148
    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Pirate = (18 x level) + 111
    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Spearman = (4 x level) + 156
    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Fighter/Page = (4 x level) + 56
    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Beginner = (10 x level) + 2

    There are two methods of HP Washing, and each class uses a certain method.

    First Method:[​IMG]

    This is for Thieves.

    1. You Level Up!
    2. Put one of your level up APs into HP.
    3. Use one AP Reset to pull out some MP.
    4. The AP Reset will allow you to use that AP you pulled out of MP on a damage stat, so add that extra AP into your damage stat.
    5. You can do this 5 times in a row per level up. 1 time for each natural AP.

    Ignore the HP and MP values in the above video. I had a Carnival PQ Pendant on that added +60 to my HP and +60 to my MP. That's why I messed up calculating my Minimum MaxMP. I used the video, anyways, to show how one can mess up by taking out an HP, when they've already dipped below their Minimum MaxMP.

    Second Method:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This is for Warriors, Archers, and Pirates.
    You don't need to level up for this method.
    • In order to begin this process, you need to put 1 AP into HP (by either using a level up AP, or pulling an AP out of your damage stat using an AP Reset), or else you won't be able to pull anything out of AP or MP. Then do steps 1-3 as many times as you'd like.
    1. Use an AP Reset to pull out some MP.
    2. Then you use that extra AP to add to HP.
    3. You can do this as many times as you'd like, in a row.
    • After you have used up all of your extra MaxMP, you can use an AP Reset to pull out that first AP that you put into HP, and put it back into your damage stat.

    NOTE: The difference in these two methods is that in the first method, you are adding to your HP straight from a level up, and in the second method, you are adding to your HP from an AP Reset. The code for each method is slightly different per class, so it's best to wash using the method suggested for your class.

    How to MP Wash

    MP Washing is for Assassins, Archers, and Gunslingers.

    MP Washing is the amazingly helpful process of converting MP into more MP by using AP Resets. It will decrease: the cost of HP Washing, the amount of AP you waste on INT, and the length of time you need to have that INT.

    It just so happens that when you add LevelUpAP into your MP stat, your raw INT is factored into the MPGain. (+10 Raw INT = +1MP). And it is not factored into the amount you lose when you use an AP Reset to subtract from your MP stat. So basically, if you have 100 Raw INT on your character (Equips do not count!!), then when you add a fresh LevelUpAP into MP, you will gain ~20MP, and then lose 12MP when you use an AP Reset to reset that MP point back into your damage stat. That's a gain of 8 MP per AP Reset spent. Because of this phenomenon, you are able to cap your INT at a much lower number, and decrease the number of AP Resets you will need to use to get your INT back to 4.

    Note: INT from Equips does not count towards MP Washing! Only your Raw INT Value is taken into account here!!

    I've calculated your OptimalINT values using this lovely equation that can be found in the hard-to-read Formulas Spoiler.

    Assassin: 140 INT
    Archer: 160 INT
    Gunslinger: 200 INT

    You should not exceed these optimal values.

    Once your INT equals your OptimalINT Value, you are able to MP Wash. The process is as follows:

    1. You Level Up!
    2. Put one of your level up APs into MP.
    3. Use one AP Reset to pull out some MP.
    4. The AP Reset will allow you to use that AP you pulled out of MP on a damage stat, so add that extra AP into your damage stat.
    5. You can do this 5 times in a row per level up. 1 time for each natural AP.

    This process is able to use 5 AP Resets per level up to add more Extra MaxMP to your character. Use as many resets as you need to in order to accumulate enough MP to wash your character to 9000HP.

    Refer to the class specific spoilers in the following section to find out how much MP you will need to accumulate.

    Check out Jmmainvi's MP Washing Guide for more info.

    Choose Your Class:

    How you wash your HP is dependent upon your class. If you'd like to wash your specific class properly, make sure to read further down in the class sections.


    Phase One - Accumulating Extra MaxMP:

    You will need to have approximately 4778 total MaxMP by level 155. (You will be washing around level 100, so this number is a bit irrelevant, since you'll be pulling from it early.)

    Any INT Equips you can get your hands on will save you money down the road. Equip them when you level up, and they will help accumulate a bit of MP. You can just sell the INT Equips once you're done with them, so they're always a great investment.

    Add LevelUpAP into INT until you hit 140 RAW INT (INT Equips do not count!). The earlier you do this, the more money you will save down the road. Try to hit 140 Raw INT before level 50.

    You can MP Wash after you have capped out at 140 Raw INT. You can only MP Wash 5 times per level, so make sure not to wait too long to do this. You won't need to MP Wash more than 50 times(if you hit 140 INT at lvl 50), so you really only need a span of 10 levels to do this. I'd recommend doing it from level 80-90.

    If you got your INT to 140 before level 50, or if you have some INT equips, you won't need to MP Wash 50 times. In this case, you could save some money by HP Washing around level 80, and only MP Washing alongside your HP Washing in order to supplement your Extra MaxMP Gain, and guage it as you start getting closer to lvl 155 (This is Double Washing). But since Assassins use LevelUpAP for MP Washing AND HP Washing, they have to be careful to make sure they don't HP Wash or MP Wash too late. You need about 51 levels of using all 5 AP, so try to as early as possible. If this is too complicated, then just MP Wash 50 times around level 80.

    The Best way to do this is to get your INT to 140 as quickly as possible (By about level 33). Then MP Wash 130 times (Until about level 59). Then Reset all your INT back into LUK immediately after. That way you can train without leeching yourself passed level 59. This just costs an extra 80 AP Resets.

    Phase Two - Converting Extra MaxMP into Extra MaxHP

    Use Method One to turn all that Extra MaxMP into Extra MaxHP until you hit your goal of 9000HP.

    HP Washing an Assassin will take 205 AP Resets.​

    Remember: You can only do this a max of 5 times per level. And it takes at LEAST 41 levels to do this. So try to give yourself AT LEAST 50 levels in order to play it safe. Try to begin this process before level 100.

    Phase Three - Getting Rid of Your INT:

    You should do this after level 155, or if you've already accumulated all the Extra MaxMP you need, feel free to get rid of it early.

    Just simply use 136 AP Resets to take points out of INT, and place them in LUK.

    Total Cost: ~391 AP Resets


    Phase One - Accumulating Extra MaxMP:

    You will need to have approximately 5318 Total MaxMP by level 155.

    Any INT Equips you can get your hands on will save you money down the road. Equip them when you level up, and they will help accumulate a bit of MP. You can just sell the INT Equips once you're done with them, so they're always a great investment.

    Add LevelUpAP into INT until you hit 160 RAW INT (INT Equips do not count!). The earlier you do this, the more money you will save down the road. Try to hit 160 Raw INT before level 50.

    You can MP Wash after you have capped out at 160 Raw INT. You can only MP Wash 5 times per level, so make sure not to wait too long to do this. You won't need to MP Wash more than 65 times(if you hit 160 INT at lvl 50), so you really only need a span of 13 levels to do this. You can start the process anytime before level 130, but it is highly recommended you do it earlier, so as not to make any mistakes.

    If you got your INT to 160 before level 50, or if you have some INT equips, you won't need to MP Wash 50 times. In this case, you could save some money by stopping once you hit you MaxMP goal of 5318.
    The Best way to do this is to get your INT to 160 as quickly as possible (By about level 37). Then MP Wash 152 times (Until about level 68). Then Reset all your INT back into DEX immediately after. That way you can train without leeching yourself passed level 68. This just costs an extra 87 AP Resets.

    Phase Two - Converting Extra MaxMP into Extra MaxHP

    Once you hit level 155, use Method Two to turn all that Extra MaxMP into Extra MaxHP until you hit your goal of 9000HP.

    HP Washing an Archer will take 250 AP Resets.​

    Phase Three - Getting Rid of Your INT:

    You should do this after level 155, or if you've already accumulated all the Extra MaxMP you need, feel free to get rid of it early.

    Just simply use 156 AP Resets to take points out of INT, and place them in DEX.

    Total Cost: ~471 AP Resets


    Phase One - Accumulating Extra MaxMP:

    You will need to have approximately 6150 Total MaxMP by level 155.

    Any INT Equips you can get your hands on will save you money down the road. Equip them when you level up, and they will help accumulate a bit of MP. You can just sell the INT Equips once you're done with them, so they're always a great investment.

    Add LevelUpAP into INT until you hit 200 RAW INT (INT Equips do not count!). The earlier you do this, the more money you will save down the road. Try to hit 200 Raw INT before level 60.

    You can MP Wash after you have capped out at 200 Raw INT. You can only MP Wash 5 times per level, so make sure not to wait too long to do this. You won't need to MP Wash more than 65 times(if you hit 200 INT at lvl 60), so you really only need a span of 13 levels to do this. You can start the process anytime before level 130, but it is highly recommended you do it earlier, so as not to make any mistakes.

    If you got your INT to 200 before level 60, or if you have some INT equips, you won't need to MP Wash 65 times. In this case, you could save some money by stopping once you hit you MaxMP goal of 6150.
    The Best way to do this is to get your INT to 200 as quickly as possible (By about level 45). Then MP Wash 142 times (Until about level 74). Then Reset all your INT back into DEX immediately after. That way you can train without leeching yourself passed level 74. This just costs an extra 77 AP Resets.

    Phase Two - Converting Extra MaxMP into Extra MaxHP

    Once you hit level 155, use Method Two to turn all that Extra MaxMP into Extra MaxHP until you hit your goal of 9000HP.

    HP Washing a Gunslinger will take 204 AP Resets.​

    Phase Three - Getting Rid of Your INT:

    You should do this after level 155, or if you've already accumulated all the Extra MaxMP you need, feel free to get rid of it early.

    Just simply use 196 AP Resets to take points out of INT, and place them in DEX.

    Total Cost: ~465 AP Resets

    Note: Gunslingers need to have 9000 HP in order to take Horntail's hits, but it is beneficial to not wash more than 9000 (unless you want to tank Pink Bean, if it ever exists). This is because of their Battle Ship. The Battle Ship takes hits according to the damage you receive. When a boss uses a "1/1" attack, it depletes your HP and MP down to 1HP/1MP. Thus, if you have 9000 HP, that attack will hit you for 8,999 damage, and if you are on your battle ship, it will damage your battleship for 8,999 damage. If you wash to a higher HP, it will do more damage to your battle ship. For example, if you have 12,000 HP, the boss's 1/1 attack will do 11,999 damage to your battle ship, and your Battle Ship will die sooner. Therefore, only wash to whatever your goal is.


    Spearmen use a skill called Berzerk, which requires you to be under 40% HP at all times (in order to keep up your DPS). So they need to wash their HP to 15625HP, in order to have 25k HP with Hyper Body.

    The table below lists the amount of INT you need to have at every level up based upon when you start equipping or adding that INT. For example, if you are level 50, and you'd like to know how much INT you need to have in order to take on Horntail at level 155, refer to the table down below.

    How To Use The Table:

    The table lists that if you are between the levels of 1 and 47, you only need to have 20 INT. But if you were to start adding INT at level 48, you would need 30 INT. Spearmen do not need much extra MaxMP, because each AP Reset only requires 4 MP. The earlier you start wearing INT, the better. The amount of INT listed on the table is the amount of INT you need, forever. You do not need to increase the amount of INT you have as you become a higher level. The lower levels only require less INT because, if you equip INT at an earlier level, you are taking advantage of more level ups, so you need less INT for the rest of your Maple career.

    Washing a Spearman will take 99 AP Resets.

    Since Spearmen use the second method of HP Washing, they don't have to worry about using AP Resets until level 155, but they can do it earlier if they'd like.

    By following this table, you will accumulate the extra 216MP you need.

    Level Required INT
    1+ 20 INT
    48+ 30 INT
    84+ 40 INT
    102+ 50 INT
    112+ 60 INT
    120+ 70 INT
    125+ 80 INT
    129+ 90 INT
    132+ 100 INT
    134+ 110 INT
    136+ 120 INT
    138 130 INT


    You don't need to wash a Bandit! Meso Guard protects you! Huzzah!


    You don't need to wash a Brawler!

    They have enough HP at this point without washing.


    You don't need to wash Fighters or Pages! They have tons of natural HP, and they don't have to keep their HP low like crazy Spearmen!


    You don't need to wash a Mage! Magic Guard protects them and they have tons of MP because they read books and stuff!

    What INT Equips Should I Get?

    Whether you are buying your INT Equips or making them, here is a list of common ways to easily acquire INT, since you aren't going to need much. Remember, you only need to wear these equips when you're at 99.99% and leveling. You don't need to train with them.
    All of these prices are subject to change!
    • Buy a Zakum Helm at level 50. That'll net you 14-17 INT for 65m.
    • Buy a Lvl 8 wand (can be worn by any class) from the Ellinia Weapons store and scroll it with 60% Wand for M Att scrolls. They cost 500k or less, and give 1 INT per success. It's not too expensive to get a 5-6 INT one of these.
    • Buy a green bandana (Lvl 10) from a Free Market shop (about 500k), and buy ten 100% Helmet for INT scrolls (5-8m each) from Free Market Shops. That's 10 INT for about 65m.
    • Buy an INT bath robe(Lvl 20). You can get a 17 INT for like 200m.
    • Buy a lvl 55 cape from the Free Market Shops (or do the quest for the lvl 25 Old Raggedy Cape), and scroll it with 5 Cape for INT 100% scrolls from the Free Market Shops (3-5m) [or farm them from Bubblings].
    • Scroll any basic item for INT.


    This is a simple guide, designed to instruct new players on how to quickly satisfy these needs without interrupting their game play. I will, soon, hopefully, put together a more extensive, less friendly, guide for older players who would like to make use of tables such as these.

    To anyone who is skeptical of these numbers, feel free to check out my formulas:

    [[({TargetHP - TargetLevelNaturalHP} * {MP/HP ratio}) - [TargetLevelNaturalWashableMP]] / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel)] * 10 = INTrequired (round to the nearest 10)

    ({[TargetHP - (#JobAdv-1)*325 - TargetLevel*22 - 118.5] * 0.55} - 175*(#JobAdv-1) - TargetLevel + 194) / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel) * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10)

    ({[TargetHP - (#JobAdv-1)*325 - TargetLevel*22 - 118.5] * 0.67} - 175*(#JobAdv-1) - TargetLevel + 194) / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel) * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10)

    ({[TargetHP - (#JobAdv-1)*325 - TargetLevel*25 - 88.5] * 0.8} - 175*(#JobAdv-1) - 2.5*TargetLevel + 212) / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel) * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10)

    ({[TargetHP - (#JobAdv-1)*325 - TargetLevel*55 + 211.5] * 0.4} - 175*(#JobAdv-1) - 2.5*TargetLevel + 212) / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel) * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10)

    ({[TargetHP - (#JobAdv-1)*325 - TargetLevel*66 + 399] * 0.08} - TargetLevel + 2) / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel) * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10)

    ({[TargetHP - (#JobAdv-2)*325 - TargetLevel*66 + 399] * 0.08} - 125*(#JobAdv-1) - TargetLevel - 23) / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel) * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10)

    ({[TargetHP - (#JobAdv-2)*325 - TargetLevel*66 + 399] * 0.08} - 125*(#JobAdv-1) - TargetLevel - 123) / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel) * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10)


    ({[TargetHP - TargetLevel*14 - 36] * 0.8} - TargetLevel - 3) / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel) * 10 = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10)
    (8*TargetHP - 122*TargetLevel - 318) / (TargetLevel - CurrentLevel) = INTrequired (round up to the nearest 10)

    Natural HP Formulas: (Only work after 2nd Job)

    [{(#JobAdv-1)*325 + Level*22} + 118.5]

    [{(#JobAdv-1)*325 + Level*22} + 118.5]

    [{(#JobAdv-1)*325 + Level*25} + 88.5]

    [{(#JobAdv-1)*325 + Level*55} - 211.5]

    [{(#JobAdv-2)*325 + Level*66} - 399]

    [{(#JobAdv-1)*325 + Level*66} - 399]

    [{(#JobAdv-2)*325 + Level*66} - 399]

    [{Level*12} + 52]

    [{Level*14} + 36]

    MP/HP Ratio:

    Thief: 0.55

    Archer: 0.67

    Gunslinger: 0.8
    Brawler: 0.4

    Warrior: 0.08

    Magician: 6.0

    Beginner: 0.8

    Natural Washable MP Formulas: (Only Work After 2nd Job)

    MPGainFromJobAdv*(#JobAdv-1) + MPGain*Level - MPGain*10 + 104 - MinimumMP Formula

    175*(#JobAdv-1) + Level - 194

    175*(#JobAdv-1) + Level - 194

    175*(#JobAdv-1) + 2.5*Level - 212

    Level + 23

    Level - 2

    Level + 123


    Level + 3

    Minimum MaxMP Forumlas:

    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Thief = (14 x level) + 148
    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Archer = (14 x level) + 148
    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Pirate = (18 x level) + 111
    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Spearman = (4 x level) + 156
    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Fighter/Page = (4 x level) + 56
    Minimum MaxMP Formula for Beginner = (10 x level) + 2

    Starting HP / MP:

    50 / 5

    HP/MP Gain at Lvl UP:


    Beginner: 14 / 11
    Warrior: 66 / 5 (Subtract 140 to Account for Lvling Up MaxHP)
    Archer: 22 / 15
    Thief: 22 / 15
    Gunslinger: 25 / 20.5
    Brawler: 55 / 20.5
    Magician: 12 / 43
    GM: 22 / 15


    Beginner: 12-16 / 10-12
    Warrior: 64-68 / 4-6
    Archer: 20-24 / 14-16
    Thief: 20-24 / 14-16
    Gunslinger: 22-28 / 18-23 (Pirates are the only ones with extended ranges)
    Brawler: 52-58 / 18-23 (Pirates are the only ones with extended ranges)
    Magician: 10-14 / 22-24
    GM: 20-24 / 14-16

    HP/MP Gain With Advancement:

    *1st Jobs*
    Warrior: 225 / 0
    Magician: 0 / 125
    Thief: 162.5 / 0
    Archer: 162.5 / 0
    Pirate: 162.5 / 0

    *2nd-4th Jobs*

    Spearman: 0 / 125
    Fighter: 325 / 0
    Page: 0 / 125

    Magician: 0 / 475
    Archer: 325 / 175
    Thief: 325 / 175
    Pirate: 325 / 175

    GM: 162.5 / 0
    Super GM: 325 / 175

    All values fluctuate by 50. (i.e. 300-350)

    Job, Using AP from level up to gain HP, using AP from AP reset to gain HP
    Beginner, +8~12HP, +8~12HP The Same -8 MP
    Warrior, +50~54HP, +50~55HP Slightly better -4 MP
    Thief, +20~24HP, +16~20HP Much worse -12 MP
    Bowman, +16~20HP, +16~20HP The Same -12 MP
    Magician, +6~10HP, +10~20HP Much better -90 MP
    Pirate, +16~20HP (+36~40HP for Brawlers),-16 MP +20HP (+40HP for Brawlers) Much better

    Using LevelUpAP vs. APResetAP HP Gains

    Beginner: / 8~12 /// 8~12 HP //// -8 MP
    Warrior: // 50~54 // 50~55 HP /// -4 MP
    Thief: //// 20~24 // 16~20 HP /// -12 MP
    Bowman: /// 16~20 // 16~20 HP /// -12 MP
    Magician: / 6~10 /// 10~20 HP /// -90 MP
    Gunslinger: 16~20 // 20 HP ////// -16 MP
    Brawler: // 36~40 // 40 HP ////// -16 MP

    MP Gained From LevelUpAP:

    Beginner: 6-8 /////////////////////// -8
    Warrior: 2-4 //////////////////////// -4
    Magician: 18-20 + ImprovingMaxMP //// -90 -20 (+ImprovingMaxMP = 90?)
    Bowman: 10-12 /////////////////////// -12
    Thief: 10-12 //////////////////////// -12
    Pirate: 10-12 /////////////////////// -16

    *All have a ~1 deficit, besides Pirates. Pirates have a ~5 deficit*
    **Don't see in code where INT affects LevelUpAP**


    OptimalINT = 10sqrt(MPneeded/11)

    Add 10 INT to every class to compensate for the deficit mentioned above.
    Add 50 INT to Pirates to compensate for the deficit mentioned above.

    This applies no matter how many levels you spread the INT build up over.


    I will be explaining these formulas in greater detail in my next guide that will be titled something like "How To Reach Certain HP Washing Goals" (if I ever get around to making it).

    Please feel free to question my methods and scrutinize this guide :D I welcome all feedback! ALL FEEDBACK! Make me cry on my hands and knees, please!


    I'd like to thank some people.

    Pheelo, for his guide that taught me how to HP Wash.
    Flaw, who helped me with some of the more complex areas of washing.
    Plenty, who helped me with my frustrating formatting errors.
    Marty, for his guide that taught me how to make a guide.
    Togain and Dimitri, for helping me to finally understand Corsairs!
    To my cousin, Luke, who helped me with the Calculus involved in constructing the OptimalINT Equation.
    And all the people in my NewPlayer guild, who, with their questions, forced me to learn the intricacies of HP Washing, even though I had never washed.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    MengQian, Doge, Bensoncoolfi and 53 others like this.
  2. deathlurks

    deathlurks Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2015
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    But if you were to start adding INT at level 54, you would need 40 INT

    does this mean i add AP to int? or have int gear totaling 40int ?

    is there a way of hp washing without int gear?
  3. Jeen

    Jeen Donator

    Jul 22, 2015
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    Yes, if you want to wash without int gear, you have to sacrifice your ap (in other words, ability to kill things) to put your ap into int.
    xFishy and Plenty like this.
  4. Gossamer

    Gossamer Donator

    Apr 15, 2014
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    You can equip INT or add into AP. It's your choice. Or a combination of the 2. As long as you have 40 INT when you level up.
  5. Gurps

    Gurps Donator

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Cool guide. Also would like to note that gunslingers shouldn't wash past the 5.6k HP by 155. If you do, then rip your battleship x.x
    Cynlet and Gangsta like this.
  6. Gangsta

    Gangsta Donator

    Jun 21, 2014
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    I will forever read your name as MrSocks
  7. Gurps

    Gurps Donator

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Whatever floats your boat sir :p
    Gangsta likes this.
  8. Flaw

    Flaw Donator

    Aug 3, 2015
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    Cried from the sound on that video of yours.
  9. Gossamer

    Gossamer Donator

    Apr 15, 2014
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    Such beauty. Such grace.
  10. Duts

    Duts Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
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    SlashRoyals likes this.
  11. Maeri

    Maeri Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    I'm not sure I understand

    Does this mean I'll be good to go if I leave my Int on 40 from 30 on wards as an Archer? I just started using ap on INT from level 26
  12. Gossamer

    Gossamer Donator

    Apr 15, 2014
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  13. Hwaiting

    Hwaiting Donator

    Oct 10, 2015
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    Nice guide!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
  14. TheStoner

    TheStoner Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2015
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    OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH! I hope you don't mind, but I'll be bookmarking this and using it to inform my guild members as well!
    You made it this simple for me!
    Duts, Gossamer and Gangsta like this.
  15. Shinixter

    Shinixter Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Thanks for the guide! So much easier to understand! :)

    I have a question though.
    If Pink Bean were to be released, would I need to hp wash my hero to be able to "attempt" to fight it?
  16. Gossamer

    Gossamer Donator

    Apr 15, 2014
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    At level 175, your natural HP will be about 12145 (19432 with HB). At level 200, your natual HP will be about 13795 (22072 with HB).

    Pink Bean's Damage is 23k, so I'd suggest having at least like 25k HP with Hyper Body.

    At level 175, you should have about 2.2k extra HP you can wash, without ever adding any INT. So without INT, that lands you at about:

    Level 175: 14k HP (22.4k with HB)
    Level 200: 16k HP (25.6k with HB)

    So you could get any without adding any INT. But each 10 INT you add end up netting you like 2k more washable HP. So just by adding like 30 INT, you should be able to hit 30k HP with HB at level 200. If you wish to hit 30k HP (without HB), at level 200, you'll need about 60-70 INT. I'll let you do any other calculations yourself. A little INT goes a long way with a warrior, so I'd suggest adding at least a little INT. It's good not to ALWAYS be relying on Hyper Body.
    Lannahechee, NME and Vangora like this.
  17. Shinixter

    Shinixter Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Alright thank you! :)
  18. Cohort

    Cohort Active Member

    Sep 21, 2015
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    Could you explain MP washing as well? I still dont understand the whole procedure of "PROS" getting their NightLords to 12.5k hp by 155~
  19. Gossamer

    Gossamer Donator

    Apr 15, 2014
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    The amount of MP you gain when you use an AP Reset to put a point into MP is affected by your raw INT (No equip bonuses). Every 10 raw INT you have, gives you another +1 MaxMP when you reset into MP.

    The amount of MP that is removed by an AP Reset is affected by nothing. Thieves will always remove 12 MP when they use an AP Reset to take a point out of MP.

    So, it follows that, if you have lots of raw INT, you will gain extra MaxMP, simply by using an AP Reset to pull a point out of MP, and put a point back in.

    When you add into MP without any raw INT, you will gain a range of MaxMP that averages at 1 below the amount you lose by taking a point out of MP. So, that means that thieves will gain 10-12 MP every time they put a point into MP, while they lose 12 MP every time they take a point out.

    For example:

    You are a thief.

    You have 100 raw INT.

    This means you will gain 10 extra MaxMP every time you add into MP. With a base of 10-12 MP, that adds up to 20-22MP every time you add into MP.

    1. You use an AP Reset to take a point out of MP, and you lose 12 MaxMP.
    2. You add that point back into MP, and you gain 20-22 MaxMP.
    That's an average of 9 extra MaxMP for every AP Reset you use.

    This is how you can rack up a ton of MaxMP without even leveling up. If you have lots of raw INT, you can take advantage of it, by using 1 AP Reset to gain (INT/10 - 1) MaxMP.

    Obviously, the higher your INT, the more cost-effective this is. I am currently doing the math, to figure out at what point, and for which goals, you should be MP Washing for. It will be included in my mega HP Washing guide.
    Vangora likes this.
  20. Cohort

    Cohort Active Member

    Sep 21, 2015
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    So whats the follow ?

    A thief 100 base int

    Level up
    Add point to mp
    Ap reset -mp + hp
    and then what?
    When do you reset everything to base stat? when do u reset base int?

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