Good luck Christine, bb. I believe in you. :u You can count on me to cheer you on along the way. Spoiler "shoes pls" iloveyou ):
xtine n000000000000000000000000000000000000 pls let this be just another one of your quitting threads and not a 4realsies
Thanks xtine for all the good times + the master help, sadly life gos on and we have to work hard for the future hopefully we will see you in the future Christine 2pro
Guys, everyone knows whenever Christine makes a quitting thread, she comes back the next day more active than ever.
Going to miss you so much! T_T Please come back to say hi from time to time! I would add you on Skype if I did Skype, but I don't, I'm sorry. Any kind of instant chat (voice or otherwise) programs really do my head in and I can't handle them!
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH don't reveal my masterplan <3 No cookies for ty I really am quitting this time though; #maple2muchofatimesink
Christine you know that I luv you and I am going to miss you! I really appreciate everything that you have done to help out the server and I would just like to say we are going to be missing a huge part of our staff for a long time. I hope all goes well with school I know you are a smart cookie and you will get all A's and I wish you the best of luck in your future. Just remember to pop on skype every once and a while and say "Hi" to your MapleRoyals family.
You will definitely be missed, Christine. Thanks for all the girl talks, and being there when I needed you. <3
Noooo Christine :C We're all gonna miss youu! </3 You better stay on skype though!! Thanks for all the help and fun convos on Maple and GL with everything in your life, christine. Btw you've always been my fav GM, don't tell the others!