I just want to know what classes everyone actually FINDS FUN. This doesn't mean it can't be a relatively weaker class like Pally, but as long as you have fun playing it. The reason for this is that I am planning to make a new class sometime in the future and I already have some base classes done such as a Bishop and Corsair. I no longer need an op attacker with insane DPS or anything since I already have a DPS now. I'll work to improve him as much as possible. I want your opinions to help me decide. NOTE: I'll still put all classes on the poll as I still want to know what classes you guys enjoy NOTE 2: this is NOT about the most played classes cuz we all know that's Bishop. I'm excited for your responses ^^ **Edit: added beginner, islander, and villager
bishops, there's a reason why they're the most popular class because they're so fun and dynamic!!1!1!!!1! /s
I think it's funny that (as of right now) nightlords are the most popular. I've always found them to be one of the most boring classes. My favorites to play include f/p, shad, and bucc (would be better if their skills weren't broken). I like f/p because you can level up so quickly once you get mist. It's really fun training at places like skeles at 8x. Same goes for shads, really. Meso explosion makes it easy to level in the earlier levels. The only problem with this is that f/ps, like all other mages in my opinion, get boring 120+ and shads aren't really needed on boss runs . Unless shads are needed and someone would like to tell me otherwise haha. I've yet to make a bucc on this server because of the bugs. They were my favorite class to play in gms because the skills were so much fun to link together and dragon strike looks incredibly badass. I'm planning on making a new character soon too. Are corsairs fun to level? Or are they kinda difficult and boring like nightlords because they can't attack at close range?
As a corsair, I actually find the concept of dismounting/mounting on my battleship at bosses quite fun; it feels good to know that there's at least a little bit of skill going into how good my DPS is (I know it sounds bad, but dealing high amounts of DPS is one factor of "fun" for me). This is why I enjoy slightly more skill-based classes as opposed to classes like Nightlords, where all your DPS will depend on your gear. My choices would be corsairs and shadowers (although I can't really play one atm because of my horrible dropping speed). To be honest, I bought leech for my corsair from levels 75 pretty much to 120; but that's because I couldn't wait to get battleship and because I had the funds to do so. Corsairs are pretty lame during third job in my opinion, although they get some flashy mob skills such as flamethrower and ice splitter. However, I find the battleship skill they gain in fourth job really cool and I think the fact that corsairs rely almost entirely on bossing to level really fit me (since I'm not much of a grinder). If you like to boss then go for it And yes, corsairs can attack at close range, but that may be dangerous depending on what you're attacking, since corsairs are still meant to be a long ranged class and have lower base HP than most other classes. Battleship cannon will still work even at point blank range.
I'll start from the bottom up, then. I can't stand playing mages. I don't like big mobbing skills much, I won't lie and say I'm not one who enjoys bossing in this game, and I absolutely despise the way they rely on a 1st job skill to not be killed by a cold breeze. That being said, the offensive mages have a bit more variety, so I hate them slightly less. Bishop last, F/P second last, I/L third last... I like the color blue. After them, I really dislike playing ranged classes in general. My least favorite to play would have to be Marksmen, at least on this version; there is absolutely nothing worthwhile about playing them in this state. They don't do good DPS, they don't mob well, they don't grind well, the only thing going for them is Sharp Eyes, which another class has anyway. So they're 9th on my list. After that comes Bowmasters because I find them too boring, too straightforward. They are entirely just cast buffs, walk to spot, hold down Hurricane. Too one dimensional. Then Corsairs are 7th on the list because I find them to be the overcompensation. They're not too hard, they just make me immerse myself a bit too much into the game I'm playing to properly enjoy it, at least I think so. The top 6 on my list are a bit fluid, because I like them all but sometimes I go through periods of liking one more than another. Right now, Buccaneers would be next, at 6th, because I like the way they work, I like melee characters, I like having a valuable buff to give, I just don't like how badly they fit the meta otherwise. They don't do enough dmg to be a DPS class, they don't grind well enough to be a grind class, and that makes them fairly out of place. 5th on the list is Shadowers, for much the same reason, but they fit the DPS meta a little bit better to make up for the lack of a real party buff (lol haste) and their skills are just as fun to use while grinding. 4th on my list at the moment would be Paladins; I really enjoy their ability to grind, it definitely justifies their lack of 1v1 DPS to me. 3rd on my list is the last ranged class; I'm really enjoying Night Lord right now, so maybe that skews this list, but I find the ability to do real DPS and be a strong member of any bossing party really fulfilling, and despite it being slow, I enjoy the grinding because of the mobility that the class provides. Number 2 would be Dark Knights, and Number 1 is Hero, just because I like speed and Heroes are faster, but otherwise they fill the same versatile roll of being able to both mob efficiently and DPS efficiently. tl;dr: Hero > DrK > NL > Paladin > Shadower > Buccaneer > Corsair > BM > MM > I/L > FP > Bishop its 6am and ive had a drink or two, was this too much writing, maybe it was, am sorry
I'm loving all the mixed responses, you guys are making it tough to choose now . No love for the islander/villager/beginner?
The best part of F/P is the caterpillar story they have going with them. It's 1st job. F/P's are pretty cool so far. You play as a magician and have some of the highest damage potential out of any of the classes. You hit 30 and graduate to 2nd job with the rest of your mage friends, but while they seem to skyrocket in leveling around the 4x mark due to their mobbing skills, you're stuck with Fire Arrow. You begin to despise the skill, how often things resist it and it's lack of AoE. You've noticed you've stopped being invited to party and PQ, so you spend a lot of time alone in this cocoon stage where you're trapped with your thoughts. You finally hit 3rd job and maybe you got there a little slower than other classes, but it just doesn't matter anymore. You get mist and ball out so hard in your first night of 3rd job that Priest and I/L frantically report you for hacking, but it's all legit. While these guys partied their ass off at LMPQ and Ghost Ship 2, F/P was on some engineering shit and just landed his dream job: Any map he wants, 300k%/hr. You can even mist multiple channels of the same map to grind even harder. The class is just too much fun.
Easy: bombing krex is clearly the most thrilling experience in royals. If you find another class more fun you need to take a long look at yourself in the mirror. I guarantee you won't find it nearly so comforting as dropping 15,000 sacks of mesos. Or, you know, maybe you will.... i digress.
I would imagine those three getting really boring really fast. I wouldn't personally know, since I haven't made any of them, but still. I feel like I would only want to do one of those three if I was up for a challenge and wanted to be the absolute best at it, you know? My favorite part of maple is training and making new friends between 7x and 10x. Those jobs don't really...do anything for me.
Yeah I have an islander but it would be more fun if there were more. I mostly just bump into new players and help them finish Mai's quests, have a quick convo, and they're off.
Most well rounded class tbh. It'll always be my favorite and the class that I have the most fun playing.
Its awesome to see all the different opinions and playstyles .. I love mages, i play mages in every mmorpg (i didnt played mages back in gms days, but i was too young and very casual with ms) I love my bishop, ppl can find playing bishop boring, but i love it, i love my bishop, if there were more lvls to grind, id grind them with my bishop cuz i enjoyed every single minute of my bishop grinding. One thing i like to do in mmorpg, is rushing the maxlvl (if theres any challenge on it) mages (Specially bishops) are powerful tools to achieve it. However i find fp even more interesting than bish, and thats why i voted for them. im making one myself, And ill be maining it soon I like bossing, but bossing doesnt get all my attention, ill get into in at some point so for me its like Mage Fp/Bish/Il > Ranged bossing characters I cant stand playing melee classes in any game x.x (personal preference) > Melee
I've always mainly played a thief class since gMS. I've pretty much zak'ed on a few diff classes in gMS (Heroes, BMs, Shadower, DrKs, Bishops) but I find the dps fun & with haste & FJ, it makes all the difference. (Time is $) I enjoy dualbladers the most but we'll never get that in this server unfortunately :c
The most fun classes are Night Lords, Shadowers and Buccs. This is not my opinion. This is fact. NLs have high dps and flash jump which is so fucking fun. Shadowers / Buccs have an wide array of cool skills but low DPS unfortunately. Being a Shadower / Bucc is like being a real ninja. I think they are the best designed classes in the game. I've played ALL classes at a high level before. No offense to anyone for what I am about to say. Bowmasters are really really fucking boring. You don't have high dps or cool skills, you are just a fucking SE slave. Warriors / Mages are like ...meh.. they aren't particularly fun but not extremely boring either. I wished this server wasn't so obsessed with DPS DPS DPS. I don't mind bossing with more mages, shadowers, buccs, ect even if it will take longer. I just want to see a variety of cool skills!