Introduction Hello everyone. My IGN is Shadowless and (sometimes) I sell leech. I am currently a 17x Bishop . I do not sell leech regularly but I thought I'd make this thread anyways. Spoiler: Locations The Dragon Nest Left Behind Monsters: Skelegon, Skelosaurus Hits: 1-2 Price: 50m/hr --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulu Estate 1 Monsters: Berserkie, Veetron Hits: 1 Price: 50m/hr --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulu Estate 2 Monsters: Slygie, Veetron Hits: 1 Price: 50m/hr --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MesoGears: Wolf Spider Cavern Monsters: Wolf Spider Hits: 1 Price: 50m/hr --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulu City Center Monsters: Petrifighter Hits: 2 Price 45m/hr --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Holy Symbol is provided. ** Prices, hits, and locations are subject to change at any given time Spoiler: Time of Availability I am usually playing Royals on the weekends around most of the day unless I'm gone out. During weekdays, it really depends on the amount of homework I have. I am generally online on weekdays from 4 PM - 10 PM EST. Note that I am on and off throughout the day. To reach me, just post your IGN below and let me know which leech you would like. Thanks for reading and Happy Mapling!