How about this for a new event? Musical Chairs is an event where the host take us to a wide map and sets a timer (Let's say 10minutes). In order to win, players have to go across the map. They can sit at any moment but when the clock stops (let's say 9min, 8:30min, 8:10min.....) if you are standing or if you happen to stand up by any chance (sitting = safe), you'll be seduced and forced to go back. If you make it to the other side before the time ends you win. It may seem very easy and simple, but one has to be patient and careful. EXAMPLE:
I like the sound of this. It would be even cooler if there was actual music that works on a time basis (music stopping at certain times), but I'm not sure if it's doable.
They had a "red light/green light" event that took place recently(past few weeks). The event worked pretty much like this. Everybody started at one end, and had to walk to the other during "green lights." During "red lights" you had to sit in a chair, or be seduced and walk back.
Yeah. The problem is it's quite difficult for the GM to un-seduce everyone, say "Greenlight" and then say "Red light" and immediately seducing the map repeatedly without messing up once.
I love when you guys suggest new events! We have quite a few options already but some are not always doable (too many people, people are being dicks often etc). If I'm understanding correctly the timer needs to stop? I don't know that we can do that atm, but I will ask <3
speaking from personal experience, i've done the event with @Manny before and one staff member would call out red light, the other would seduce. a lot of people complained about the delay between 'red light' and 'green light' (essentially the same concept as what you presented as musical chairs) soo, as far as i know, we haven't done the event since??
This sounds like it would work better than red light green light, because you don't yell anything out (thus, no one can complain about delays between red light + seduce). You just have to make your way across the map and sit randomly at your own discretion and hope you're sitting when the GM uses seduce.
I just confirmed that we cannot pause clock at the moment though. lol. EDIT: I suppose we could still attempt it, but it feels slightly pointless to just have people randomly move no?
Hmmm. It would just be a bit more of a luck and chance event if there was no clock - I think it still sounds fun as it just means you've got to try and creep across by walk-sit-walk-sitting in the hopes of not being caught by seduce while walking! It's hard to say how successful it would be without actually trying it - but I agree a clock would be better.
It is pretty much as bella said. I don't think so, because as we run out of time, the pressure gets worse, and that's funny imo. Like i said, one has to be careful and patient. For starters, how about trying it out and see how it goes?
Just going to link this here - All my thoughts about trying it out are worded carefully there