Us, -The Act of Creating fun, Leisure and Entertaining while we spending our Quantity time in MapleRoyals is our Motto. If you're looking for a stress-free & Anti-Dramatic and Talkative Guild, YOU have to come to the right place, with US <3. -Bossing Guild, Is also one of our top aims, Currently in the making of it as now we strive for a better tommorrow everyday. 1: Follow every Aspect rules of the server. 2:Always feel free to speak and joke around in Guild /Guild Alliance chat, We LOVEEEEEE Talkative people that speaks Nonsenses/jokes around. ( But of cause drama-free. ) 3:Respect each and every other Guildmates irregardless Statues, That's how you gain other's Respect too. 4:Do not beg for Higher ranks/Statues in guild, If You're respectable, You'll Reap what you sow. 5:Do feel free to ask anything with anyone in guild, Regardings of Items Prices, or Unsure about certain things. 6:Everyone loves kind people, Whenever someone needs help and you do have the capability to do so, We share our kindness together, to improve ourself and succeed. 7:(Last and the most Important house rules, IF this is not applied to you, DO not apply for guild): We Would like YOU to HAVE FUN WITH US AND ENJOY! Known As the Guild Leader and am Proud to be have a group of awesome Guildies. Yes, We are the Offically proud to be the JR.Masters of Creation. Do pm Us for more information about joining us! Just a Few easy Steps awaits for tons of entertaining moments with your new friendly guildies with these Requirments Filled up below. Registeration Form IGN : Name: Age: Level: Activeness level: ?/10 Country: Your Goals in MapleRoyals:
- fun and loving guild - multinational - active for LPQ, LMPQ, Zak Run, Papu, Krex MOST IMPORTANTLY > the cutest guild leader and jrs in town are in this guild!!! <3 Creation aka Butterfly gang <3 Koalas <3
IGN : baesekki Name: Neal Age: 20 ^^ Level: 74 Activeness level: 4/10 atm :/ I was real busy with school, but I'll be playing much more now since my schedule is freeing up now Country: US Your Goals in MapleRoyals: to have fun and to enjoy the nostalgia
IGN : txxkim Name: Tae Kim or TK Age: 21 Level: 105 Activeness level: 9/10 Country: US livin Korean. Your Goals in MapleRoyals: I wanted to go back and have fun with the time I have open lately. Wanted to meet people and connect again through guilds, just hanging out, and just socializing. I've been on a break as well so I'm a little rusty and have questions about things. Nice to meet you guys ^^
IGN: Vinlz Name: Alvin Age: 22 Level: 157 Activeness level: 10/10 Country: Malaysia Your Goals in MapleRoyals: To flirt all girls in MapleRoyals
Hi neal, Please PM me( xGrim) or any of our friendly JRs when you are online ! PS: We just expanded our guild slots!
Helloooo IGN : Rhed Name: Jason Age: 23 Level: 5x (a little low, but I'll get this guy up in no time!) Activeness level: 8/10 Country: US Your Goals in MapleRoyals: To make friends and have fun conversations! Of course, to relive the nostalgia as well
IGN: ReservedJV Name: Nick (why do so much of them exist tho) Age: 21 Level: 41 (really low, I know! I'm getting up there) Activeness level: 5/10 Country: US Your Goals in MapleRoyals: Literally the same thing as Jasonians, haha.