Nexon just announced the Maplestory Reboot server, which is basically ironman mode in modern GMS. Trades are disabled and there's no more cash shop p2w. Supposedly they put a lot of work into balancing all the classes. Anyone planning to play it? Personally, I'm really excited. This is the Maplestory I've always wanted.
Sounds really interesting. Are all the current class going to be released or all the old classes only?
This is a welcome addition to GMS but it's about six years too late. I'm happy with Maple Royals and don't see myself devoting any real time to this. And like what was mentioned previously I wonder how popular this will be. GMS has moved very far from this type of game for a long while and I don't see the players who currently play GMS giving up all their purchased power to start over on a server that will require them to grind for a long time to approach their current damage. Most GMS players will think its interesting at first then get tired of the slow progress and grinding because they are so used to the main servers. Anyone who actually wants to play maplestory like this would have long moved on to a private server, like me. However, knowing nexon there will probably be some sort of rewards on the main servers for playing on the reboot world; so that might add some activity for a while. It will be interesting to see how this develops. I would be interested to know what some of the reasons are for why the korean reboot server is dead.
While the idea is noteworthy, the class system is one of the major things that ruined the game for me. I like limiting the Pay2Win aspects, etc. but it is essentially meaningless to me with 30 f**king classes running around, rebalanced or not. Now if they went back to version .62 completely and offered free NX for voting for their server, I would talk to them.... Oh wait....that's exactly what we have here. Yea, fuck Nexon long live Royals.
o I didn't see this before I made a thread of my own haha. I'm going to try it out just because LHC. LHC was the only reason why I played GMS. I hope to see that it's party play rather than solo.
The only people who would be interested in something like this are ex-maplers. And I'm sure all of those have moved on to better f2p games, since Korea has plenty of those. I doubt I'll stick around but my RL ex-maple friends are going to give this a shot. I'm not at all familiar with the current maple so it will be like playing a new game. I believe the upgrade system they're going with is what maple should have had all along, and it fits my style of play.
I too will be giving this a shot, especially after reading stuff like this:!&p=11878772#post11878772 Is this what GMS has become? I mean, I know after 4th job the game started becoming more about damage, but Jesus christ, $10,000 for a game like this? Just so you can show off your max damage and make people quit? Absolutely ridiculous. I look forward to the non-pay2win aspect as that is what drove me away from it so long ago.