I will donate 50m! Well I just burn all my mesos on chaos.... That's what I left. Lol. I will pm you when my laptop is working again!
Bro if you have nothing positive to say, don't say anything. People that are willing to contribute are doing so out of their own free will.
I'm trying to save people their hard earned mesos, and prevent scammers from profiting by giving mesos to those not capable of handling them.
In one word: Nope. In several - please stop being uneccesarily negative. People have learnt the hard way what it means to be scammed, and surely that experience would make most people more wary in future.
I gave away all my stuff, but what I can do is start voting again and use my remaining NX + new voting NX to sell AP resets or gach and give the money to you guys. I don't know how long this fundraiser will take but... I'll start voting again and give whatever I have then.
Words cannot describe how deeply touched I am. I am left in awe as I don't even know what to say in response to this gracious act. As a victim of Haul's scamming campaign, I can definitely say this brings back the faith and hope that was taken from me by that monster of a human being. I am so moved and touched by everyone's effort to make things right again. I want to personally say thank you to @no1993 and @injeenious for making this possible for me and the other two individuals that were affected. There is one thing I do want to shed some light upon and I hope the GM/Admin will take some time and put some thought into this. This will happen again. I don't know who it will happen to or when it will happen, but it will happen. One of these "well-known members" will reflect upon this and see how easy it is to scam the innocent. There is nothing detering them from doing so, as punishment is minimal to absent. Trades involving great sums of mesos (+2.1 billion) are based solely upon the "honor/trust system". There is no protection to the buyer and the only alternative is one that is dangerous and unpredictable. I understand that you GM/Admins cannot intervene with whatever happens between players, but there has to be some form of punishment that must be integrated to those that decide to launch a massive scam involving large sums of money. It just boggles my mind that verbally insulting someone can result in a ban, but a scam involving large sums of money is not deemed worthy of the same fate. Again, I want to thank the MapleRoyal community for your continuous efforts to make things right for those that have been affected. I am so grateful to be part of this community. I have the upmost gratitude to everyone that has voluntarily donated their mesos. You did not have to do any of this, but you chose to. Your sacrifice and act of generousity will not go unrecognized!
Your username. It fits. And @no1993 Pulse just won 750m from slash & poke so hopefully he has some more $ to chip in LOL. I'm trying to work on a few things as well and hopefully I can donate soon.
Updating to let you know that I've received funds from @NMNA (cuz your ign too hard okay), and @yappy111 has also donated 100m to the cause <3 A big thank you to both of you! ___________________________ 2nd Update to let you know that I received from @Windir as well! A huge thank you to you as well --------------------------------------------- 3rd update to let you know that I've also received from @ilikecats . Our jailvait growing up so well, I'm so proud of you ♡ TYSM.
Oh no my Canadian heart is getting the best of me! I'll donate 50m. I'm quite low in terms of liquid meso so that's all I can really offer. In all seriousness this is very amazing. I've never seen the community get as close as this, helping one another financially. The maple royals family will forever be my home. I'll donate once I'm home from school.
That is completely fine. You wished to do it for @anewhope only right? I ask for clarification purposes so that we can subtract that total from the amount she would still need ^^ Please have her confirm with me when she receives it and thank you again for your generous offer ♡ -------------------------------------------------- Received 50m from @MSrocks! Received 300m from an anonymous donor! Received 100m from @Coldsweat! Received 500m from @omgitzbrandon! Thank you all so much for your generous donations!! <3
i don't mean to be rude or mean or anything but i think this thread is quite odd since you are all raising money to give it all to the people have have been scammed by Haul. what makes me wonder is why start this now? so many people have been scammed and how come they're not getting any generosity like Haul's victims? not saying this is a bad idea or anything, i just think it's a little unfair to the others who were scammed before and never got this