Well, I've got a few question. Will all the new content will be available only by donations? Because I believe that there need to be new content that obtainable for everyone and new content that belong to donators. And I'm not talking about events, because to be honest? Events is the most crappy way to get those items for un-premium members. I also want to suggest you to scatter the new hairstyles (The ones that available for free members) around maple's globe. Some can be obtainable at Henesys, Kerning City, NLC, Orbis and so. By the way, I know that I'm gonna get criticized because of this thread. But to be honest? I don't mind anymore. I really don't wanna stay with the old hairstyles and items just because I don't wanna pay. And I know that I'll have even less motivation after I'll see everyone with those new items. You can take it as a "complain" if you want, I'm just expressing how I feel about it.
I refuse to put new hairstyles into the NPCs we already have in game. If you want access to the new hair your going to have to fork over the mesos in-order to get the hair. As for the NX items and the chairs either you are going to have to donate to the server or start winning events.
As of yet, we have not fully developed this system, to my knowledge anyway. Details will be released of how exactly we're dealing with these new items, and you can all compl... give feedback* when that happens.
IIRC, it's content avaliable to people who donate and win events. However there are exclusive, donator only items. Also, we will release info when we are done with implementing any of these. Okay so, here's my take on your feelings. We're working on implementing new items as I type this. Truthfully, I really don't see how events are "the most crappy way to get those items for non-premium members". The staff members have put in a ton of effort into planning and hosting events. When players complained that there were too few luck-based events as opposed to jump quest events (cos there are people who can't JQ like me)- we adjusted accordingly. When everyone (staff included) got sick of Russian Roulette as the only luck-based event apart from Ola Ola, we listened to feedback and tried new events to make the community happy. So how are the events a crappy way to get items when we host a variety of events every week? I really hate to say this, but I want to be honest- and I'm going to be brutally honest here; -takes out bitchclaws- I'm frankly, really annoyed with the way you nitpick so many things and complain so much. Sure, KC isn't perfect- but imo I think GM Kenny has been doing a pretty fab job so far. I don't know why you're so concerned with little details such as NPC placement on the minimap (as an example). Also, why do you feel the need to interject on random posts with (seriously) impolite comments? I'm somewhat irritated with your attitude (as I've been seeing on forums, anyway) so far, and I really wish you could learn some politeness and some gratefulness (or at least, rephrase your feedback and forum posts with some of those) I don't mean any offense to your lovely self, but I think I ought to be honest and speak my mind here. -flips hair-
1. I didn't said anything about his job - I told him that something is not right in the map and needed to be fixed. It's not "such a small problem" for nexon - the mini map is what guides your way through the map. And it's not even hard to fix it. I'm not even trying to be hard on Kenny and if I am, I'm sorry. I just tell him whenever I find something that isn't the way it suppose to be. 2. You've seen me doing this twice, for the SAME user. His comments are annoying, he tells you to do stuff (Ban, or wait a couple days until you act) for really stupid reasons. I just don't find the forum as a place to shut up. I'm gonna say what I think and feel, so why does it suddenly makes me look like I'm being rude or not grateful? because I truly am grateful. And you know what? I'm really sorry if I'm not showing it all the time. BUT, there a few things that bothers me, like this new donation system and I feel like I should say something about it.
1) Fair enough- but you have been really, really hard on Kenny. 2) It's not about that particular situation, but your overall attitude. 3) I'm not asking you to shut up at all- I mean why else do we have the feedback page; but calling events crappy (which my fellow GMs take such pains to host, plan and crowd control) is a mixture of unwarranted criticism, arrogance and rudeness. Unless you could explain why you feel it's so crappy? Also, the way Royals is running as it is- we're not breaking even, hence the donation system which we are working on; where we are trying to give incentives for people to donate to keep the server going without making this a pay-to-be-pro system like nexon did. Lastly, to make it clear- I'm not asking for excessive, unwanted gratefulness; but I just wish you could be a bit more politer in your criticisms. D:
Oh my! That wasn't my intention! I really don't have something against events - there are some that I don't like and that I don't participant, But most of them are great. I meant that it's a cra... bad solution if it's the only way to get them (For free members). I do think that they need to be rare, but at the same time, they're not that game changing and not making the donation system worse since there are special items that can only be obtainable for people who donate.