IGN: Plenty Character IMG: Quote: Always look on the bright side Animation: Yes Other: Do you want to donate to pixelly?:
IGN: PainNagato Character IMG: Quote: when in doubt, use your snout Animation: Y Other: I'll contact you in game if I like it *Do you want to donate to pixelly?: (i.e. YES, i'll contact you in game!)
IGN: BabyRaine Character IMG: Quote: Will you be mine? Animation: Y Other: I would like it to be a bit faded like the one you are currently using. It looks very special! A cute background. Both characters in the sig please, choose your own out of the screenshots, just use your creativity Thank you so much~ *Do you want to donate to pixelly?: Yes!
FINALLY FINISHED @farts ! I really didn't know what to do for you so I re-did the sig several times... I'm somewhat satisfied now, so hope you like it!! edit: I realized I didn't animate this, sorry! Spoiler: for ahn
IGN: Oldfashioned Quote: "Whiskey, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation." Animation: Yes Other: Have some creative fun with it, please! And I would also like for you to remove the shield and make the earrings blue if you could . You have creative control over the eyes, I got this ss mid-blink and since I'm doing this from mobile my options are limited. The eyes aren't normally so squinty, alas, this is my only screenshot so do what you want with the eyes. They're blue as well. Donate: of course!! SS: Thanks a whole lot, and welcome to royals! I'll reach out in game.
@BabyRaine @Royalty I made some changed to my rules, so hope you understand if you don't get any animations!
finished @BabyRaine I experimented with one.... but it was weird so I made another one.... it's under completed! :^ )
IGN: Fangarang Quote: "Wanna see a magic trick?" Yea I'll donate, but I'm super new so it will only probably be a mil and a fame xD ty so much and no rush, these are awesome!
I ADORE IT! It's so cute & perfect!! So much cuter than I imagined. Thank you, thank you <333 Will contact you in game~
IGN: Tease Character IMG: (use maplesimulator.com or SS) Quote: (what you want written on your signature. i.e. my ign and "pixelly is so kawaii") -- no quote, just my ign please! Other: *Do you want to donate to pixelly?: (i.e. YES, i'll contact you in game!) yes!! I will hit you up. i await your results.
IGN: zebras Character IMG: ^ I can't decide, you choose whichever one is cuter ! >_< Quote: "Santa won't you make me happy" Other: I leave it all up to you! :> everything you make is so cute and pretty, so have fun with this ! *Do you want to donate to pixelly?: of course!! <3 am so excite !
@Fangarang okay, i actually really like this one, so i hope you like it as well.... check completed! Also added a little thankyou section for people who donated c: @Mandy I also finished yours! check compelted!