The thing is now two different people are claiming pictures that you claim as your own. Im willing to accept that its possible Sameet stole your pics. But Now you are asking me to accept that both Sameet and Patrick are stealing your pics? With Every person we add the likelihood of it being the other way around increases. Are we going to find a 3rd person linked to something else here? Edit: there is a 3rd I forgot about the bike.
There is a 3rd, with the bike, and that's easily seen as multiple stolen pictures. Another comment on Sameet, he only posts pictures of the car and his first post was a picture of the car. He made a whole PERSONAL instagram for pictures of a car? For the billionth time, I wouldn't post a full story with supporting evidence and then take stolen pictures and use them for a part not relevant to the story. Believe me, don't believe me. I've argued this "not my pictures" claim twice now and I'm done with it.
Thanks buddy, you too. Sameet's picture is timed stamped 1 week ago. April 1st. College Park, MD. Public with 600+ likes. And it gives me the option to make it my profile picture so this is MY fb.
Easiest way to know he's lying is that he has all this money but doesn't have 2m-2m range unbuffed on GMS Case closed
I don't get why some people are constantly trying to figure out whether he's telling the truth or not. Regardless of whether or not it was a lie, it's an interesting story to read - if it's all true, good on him. If it's fake, it was still an entertaining few minutes of reading; props to him for the imagination. Nothing bad will happen to me knowing this is fake - if you don't trust him and his story, then stop trying to play detective and don't comment at all, because the comments that followed the original post ruined the fun for me, and I'm sure it ruined it for many others who enjoyed the story.
Im treating him the same way I would treat anyone else. If your a member of a painting club and one of the painters tells a story that you have reason to believe may not be true, I would imagine most people would have a very different attitude they you. I don't believe they would accept the fact that it might be fake because he's entertaining. They would be like look dude I know this about you which makes me not want to believe your story. I need to know if the people around me are authentic. This guy also starts his thread saying this is not a showoff thread, then continually mentions decent amounts of money + expensive vehicles and claims to rent exotic cars to drive around campus. So even if it is true which is up for debate, that's some douche behavior. ( He has another thread claiming his music taste is better then other people's) Edit: had he just included a few racing stories, It would come off way differently then the " I can sell my cars for x" "I have x amount of money" " I will make x amount of money " (insert pic of how much money I spent ) (insert pic of a bunch of money on a bed) " "I bang models"
I see where you're coming from, and I agree that things being authentic certainly do add to the value of a certain story, but that won't stop me from appreciating the subject itself. If we use your example, I may not respect the person who claims to have painted the piece after finding out he's taking credit for another artist's work, but I can still appreciate the painting as a nice piece of art in itself. Taking the context of this whole thing - a forum post - into account, we should also see that fake information and stories are definitely a large part of what happens on the internet, and should not compare it to a seemingly similar experience in real life, as they have very different repercussions. I am in no way saying lying is a good thing, but in a place like this, I think it is to be somewhat expected as it is such a common happening in online communities. In this case, I'm more engrossed in the story itself rather than marveling over how Yves is the one to have had all these exotic experiences. As for the latter half of your paragraph, I did not know about his music thread and I guess if it is the way you portray it to be, Yves can come off as a douche and that may be why you want to debunk his story. However, in regards to this thread alone, I thoroughly enjoyed what he had to offer, as it isn't the type of thing I often come across. That's all.
The whole point of the story IS how much money was made. The whole point of the story was the lifestyle. The music thread started off with an old spice reference. Did you really take it so seriously? It was a joke...if you ever spoke to me, you would know mess around a lot. I even spoke with people on the shout box when I first posted the thread and even they took it as a joke. Stop being a pretentious asshole. You've still never answered my reply that everything else is true. As well as Sameet's picture being time stamped after mine.
I'd just like to point out that he's trying to talk down at me in a pm, like he runs the place He's looking for attention, don't give him any EDIT : So apparently the thread won't be locked; don't reply
What? Nice lies. How am I talking down? How am I trying to run the place? Where did you get all this from? Sorry I tried to resolve an issue? Jesus Christ. Attachments removed - please don't post private messages in a public forum. ~ Kat Edit: Kat deleted pictures of the conversation and I'll respect that. I PMed him because I wanted to resolve an issue. When I posted a 5 sentence reply, I got a "tl;dr". Never talked down, never acted like I run the place. Other way around actually. He told me to leave the server. I classify that as trying to run the place and as well as talking down to. You are no position to tell someone to leave. Because I messaged him to try to resolve an issue, he sees it as "looking for attention". Sorry, buddy. Nice try to lie though.
Damn that's insane, I've raced and been to races on a track and on the streets but I would never be daring enough to hop on a sports bike and do it. That's ballsy. Bikes are def easier to get away from cops though. Mad respect for you. AND OMFG I LOVE THAT COLOR ON THE M4. you've lived a crazy life. I just never saw the point in racing for money man it's always just been the thrill or the fun of the race to me. Congrats on getting out of the racing scene and bettering your life. and in west virginia that's not far from where I am now, didn't know their car/bike scene was so rich.
What do you think of swapping 8 series parts for corvette parts? The 8 series parts are old and scarce. I was thinking of maybe swapping with the M5 S63 4.4L and other parts from the 7 series but I don't know. :/ Probably just buy a McLaren instead, huh?