Spoiler: IMPORTANT/LATEST ANNOUNCEMENT 03/01/18 Just putting out a disclaimer that the current Ohana is not affiliated with the old & original Ohana. The name was somehow released by an ex guildie without my consent after I disbanded it & is now taken by other players. Grace (@Toothpaste) & I have formed a new guild called Lanson, alongside a dice emblem. This name actually holds dear memories to us but this guild is not/won't ever be active. Just some place to hibernate or for whenever we do login super randomly. I hope everyone is having fun & enjoying Royals as much or even more than we did Have a lovely day! Welcome to our official Ohana guild thread! Est. 11th December ᾿15 Now allied with Familia, our secondary guild for alternate chars. Est. 27th December ᾿15 What about us? We are active people who like to have fun, chat, make jokes, join events, create events, boss, help out, make new friends, & so much more! We strive to be a sociable & friendly guild that treats each & every single Ohana member; like family ❤ Looking for a stress-free guild? Feel free to apply if you're - Nice & friendly ❤ Talkative ❤ Kind ❤ Love making new friends ❤ Love bossing ❤ An FM lurker ❤ Obey all MapleRoyals rules/T&C ❤ Please ask us anything you wish to know regarding the game & we'll try our best to help you out~ We're laid-back & chill but don't be disrespectful & don't ask for ranks, you will be chosen to rank up if we think you fit! We @ Ohana wishes you to be part of our family; where nobody gets left behind or forgotten ❤ We'll include & involve members in lots of fun activities in future~ Just be patient with us & stay tuned~ Screenshots of our memories/activities HERE Guild Hierarchy Lilo {Master} Bishop BabyRaine {Raine} The girl behind Ohana. Honest & loyal. Kind but doesn't like to be stepped on, even though I ignore that most of the time. Good listener. & yes, I'm really a girl. Stitch {Jr. Master} Night Lord Darlie Bosses every single day. Loves dressing up~ Always up for a chatting session. If you know her well, you'll know where her favorite chatting spot is! *Doesn't reply & disables chats when she is bossing tho* Stitch {Jr. Master} Night Lord x3Mikasa {Mikasa/Lok} Friendlyyy! Nice, active. Likes making jokes. Easy to get along with. Another bossing queen. Stitch {Jr. Master} Hero xErenZai {Eren/Kang} Fashionista. A little quiet but a kind person deep down. Very active too! Stitch {Jr. Master} BeeR4LiF3 {CK} Bowmaster Talkative, friendly, helpful! Overall a great guy to get to know~ Stitch {Jr. Master} Born2Crush {Bar} Hero Our OP <3 It's really shocking how quickly he downs bosses. Also, he helps members & the community a lot in so many ways. Loves bossing too so you'd know who to call! *Pic coming soon* Stitch {Jr. Master} AUDA {Uncle} Marksman Yet another Ohana fashionista that knows how to dress up~ Also up for bossing most of the time so you know who to invite! *Pic coming soon* Stitch {Jr. Master} BabyMabel {Mabel} Bishop One of the sweetest girl you'll ever meet & loves cats, a little too much <3 Kind & friendly. You won't regret knowing her! *Pic coming soon* Stitch {Jr. Master} JNZJ {Jack} Bishop Nice, helpful, good sense of humor & hardcore @ skeles. 'The Dragon Nest Left Behind' is like his 2nd home besides CH5 FM & we always tease him about it! Guild Bossing Squad Daily Runs 10PM (GMT+8 timezone) 11PM (GMT+8 timezone) Organizer(s) Darlie {Night Lord} xErenZai {Hero} Long-term Party Ohana members who are taking part in either group: BabyColgate {Bishop} BabyRaine {Bishop} BeeR4LiF3 {Bowmaster} BimboGirll {Bishop} cowbell {Hero} LadyXOXO {Dark Knight} Born2Crush {Hero} ChiffonAoi {Buccaneer} XeLia {Dark Knight} iCross {Marksman} AUDA {Marksman} BabyMabel {Bishop} JNZJ {Bishop} *Splits (from buyers) will be given out fairly to respective participants once run is completed. Good luck to all!* Skill Books & Loots System Ohana members are privileged to get Zakum helmets, Krex rings & skill books absolutely free! (except Gene20 but it depends as well) We @ Ohana would love to help our family out in achieving what you need <3 Treat others how you wish to be treated yourself <3 It's nice to do good things! *New members however, will not be able to enjoy this privilege to prevent from taking advantage of this benefit, sorry!* APQ Team *Pic coming soon* Leader BotakChinnnn {Edwin} He currently has a record of 648 Onyx Apples! Our hardcore Apple King. Join our experienced party & get your apples! Application Form Copy & paste the form below & reply it in this thread. We thank you in advance for your interest to be part of Ohana ❤ Hope to see you in game! IGN: Level/Class: Name/Age: Country: Activeness: Why do you want to join? Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? More about yourself:
IGN: Minibirdie Level/Class: Lvl 110 Priest Name/Age: Mini Country: Singapore Activeness: At least 2 hours a day Why do you want to join? Have been viewing the guild threads at forum and saw lots of famous guilds but didn't know which one to apply. Apparently saw this thread with zero replies and was thinking of joining a fresh guild cus why not? (The thread seems a lil feminine tho) Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? None More about yourself: Played mapleroyals few months back but had to quit because of computer issues. Now that I'm back to the game I just wanna enjoy the nostalgia and make friends while having fun
Cutest name ever!! Please whisper the Master/Jr (whoever is online) to be added. Can't wait to meet you~ P/S: Will edit the thread to be not feminine. I guess it's a natural habit that I coudn't break. Thanks for the constructive feedback <3
those who played in mapleSEA during it's heydays will definitely know that Ohana used to be the top guild in Aquila! Also, Ohana originated from GMS! hope this guild thrives
I never knew that~ I personally chose this name because I think family-relationship with guildies is very important & should be valued at all times, & that no one should feel left out. Before joining Royals this year, my last time playing was SEA year 2007. Btw thank you for the lovely wish <3
Ohana means family. Family means no one will be left behind or forgotten. Stitch taught us this when we were young.
IGN: sirRoger Level/Class: 82 priest Name/Age: Casper 21 years Old Country: Poland Activeness: 5-8 hours a day Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a cool guild with nice People. I liked the name Ohana Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? Sadly no! I wish i knew someone More about yourself: I play in a band and sing. Making an album right now ,also playing and doing covers on YouTube.
IGN: Stockbrot Level/Class: 50/Cleric Name/Age: Fan/22 Country: Germany Activeness: usually 2-5 hours everyday, more if I'm getting done with university stuff quickly^^ Why do you want to join? I have been looking for a guild where a nice atmosphere and having fun is the top priority without "you have to reach level xxx to do whatever", but still with the intention to do boss runs and other fun stuff. So yeah, from the, uhm, flashy, hearty description this guild looks like exactly what I've been looking for Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? Unfortunately no More about yourself: Maybe you've stumbled about my name. Yep that really is my name, no it's not a typical German name, that's because I'm of Chinese ethnicity but was born and grew up in Germany. if you want to know more, you can always find out when I'm in the guild I also totally understand if my level is too low, then I'll just play the game and come back later
Can't wait to meet you in game! You sound like a really nice & fun person already! Tried searching for you but you're offline. Do whisper me or one of the Jrs to be added into Ohana <3
IGN: Valent Level/Class: 100/Dragon Knight Name/Age: Reen/21 Country: Malaysia Activeness: Uncertain, but I'll online everyday. Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a friendly, responsive, kind and helpful guild as I've been ignored everytime I asked something in other guilds. :S But most importantly, a guild that likes to make jokes is always eye-catching to me. It's always nice to have good people to talk with. Have any friends in this guild?: No, but I was in Ciao before and I know some of you were previously that guild. More about yourself: I guess I can draw something? Just graduated this month and now I'm pouring my spare time on MapleRoyals. I've played MapleRoyals for almost 2 weeks now and I really like it so far.
IGN: Replenish Level/Class: 39 I/L Wiz Name/Age: Devin/Jack 19 Country: USA Activeness: Almost daily Why do you want to join? I'm new to Royals and am looking for a group I can create bonds with and talk to while playing. Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? Not yet! More about yourself: I've played maple forever, and just got back into it after a couple year break. I jumped straight into royals, so I'm still a bit rusty, but am working hard to make it big here.
IGN: HongJaeYeol Level/Class: 147/Hero Name/Age: Jake/18 Country: USA Activeness: 2-20 Hours everyday, depending on how motivated I am. Why do you want to join? I've always wanted a very close and friendly guild, most of the guilds that I've joined always ignored about 70-90% of the other members which always made me sad since those are usually the people who needs help but do not receive it, and I believe that it ruins their MapleRoyals experience. Thankfully, my last two guilds weren't like that and treated everyone equally and were extremely kind. I do believe that it will be the same with this guild (>^.^)-b Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? No T.T More about yourself: I started playing maple in 2005 but all I did was stay in Henesys Hunting Ground 1 and chat with random strangers so I never made it past lvl 54 LOL. Looking back, I have no idea how I was able to strike up a conversation with random people as I am now an extremely shy person. Even though I have a hard time speaking with others now, I will still help people if I can.
IGN: Evolet Level/Class: 141 BM Name/Age: Just call me Evo. 25. Country: UK Activeness: Daily player. But the hours depends on how busy my work gets. Talkativeness also depends on how tired I am hahaha.. Why do you want to join? I just want to join an active guild. All the previous, a couple, guilds I have joined. I feel that I joined far too late. Whereby, everyone knew everyone and they had already mingled. And by the time I joined, I was just this new person. Whereby I could never fit into their conversations too, or know what they were talking about and so on. So I thought, it would be a good start to be here and get to know all these new people. Have any friends in the guild? If yes, who? I know Raine from my other Char - Akeso. More about yourself: Errrrrrrrr.. Female. Originally from Singapore. Lived in 5 different countries, so my ascent is awesome. Married in game & in real. But a single mother of a 30 year old and a 2 year old. Working mom in real life. Not a morning person, so stay far away from me as you can when I've just woken up. Loves to grocery shop. Loves to cook. Loves to feed people. Loves to eat too.
Hi, Jake!! Aww, we'll never want to make you sad <333 Can't wait to meet you already! Please do whisper me or any of the Jrs to be added into Ohana Which server did you play in during year 2005?
Heyy Akeso I know you! Thanks for choosing Ohana <3 I'm not a morning person too I get really moody haha! Please whisper me or one of the Jrs to get an invite <3