Hey! I'm Calle, 16 years of age. In southern Sweden born and raised, on the playground where I spent most of my days. Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool. Designing some graphics when I was not in school. Okay enough with the reference haha. I'm a Swedish graphics designer, currently still in school so possibly change that title to "future" or "aspiring" Played maple since back in 2006, been part of some private servers every now and then, but not since late 2011, when my last one (in which I was a staff member too) came to its end. Felt a sting of nostalgia yesterday, and decided to find a nice community to join. Hope to live some great moments here! Have a great one. - Calle
Welcome ^^ I'm sure you'll find what youre looking for here. and if you get lucky you'll meet some really nice people =) I'd love to hear about some of the storys u have about your staff days Hope to see you around, by the way - whats your IGN?
Thanks for the welcomes! Oh and my IGN is Plazzeh. I didn't add that since I was still downloading the game when posting this