So, I've been on this server like foreveeeer since like December 2013. I've quitted in between many many times. BUT THIS TIME I MEAN IT LIKE FOREALSSSSS! It is time for me to leave! If you ask me why, it's because I'm gonna get real busy this year. January 1, 2016. A NEW YEAR. A NEW START. I'll be graduating high school in May and I'm gonna be studying overseas. I've got to prepare for college and pursue my career in music. Therefore, I need to spend more time on my music than playing royals. I WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL AND FAMOUS HUEHUEHUEHEUHEUHEUHEUE. Anyways, the point is I'm gonna miss royals! But we all have to leave at some point and it's my turn now. I've got to say I met some super duper fantabulous people out there. So here it goes: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SHOUT OUT TO MY LOVELY GUILD CREW<3 (who I spend the most time with online hahaha ) THANKS ALL OF YOU 100 MEMBERSSSSSS IN THERE! Really made my time amazing. Amaze-balls. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ So this to the people that I certainly want to thank with all of my heart Sorry, if you didn't make it to this list LOL (It must be me just growing older each day and becoming senile, so I forgot to type about you) BeyondSky: Yo beybey, I want to thank you tons for expanding this guild and stuff. You were in this guild during the dark times where tons quitted in the beginning hahahah! Thanks for being loyal so touched by u fugly retard. And most of all you're a really great friend I had on royals and most trustable above all but I still want to call you a creep hahaha jokes. I will never forget BeyondSky & Candy's 878787 marriage! Asshoe: Sergeant noodlessss Always messing around online. Will never forget that we sacked on people and blamed others LOL whoops truth exposed on forums (but you wouldn't mind anyways haha). We're also always yolo scrolling that we always go broke haha. Anyways, you srsly are one weird person; "not embarrassed" "not scared" "not picky-eater". Admired/MrFarts: HEHEHEHE farmboy. Thanks for replying my msgs during midnight when I couldn't sleep lol! And thanks for helping me in game too (psttt those darn kewl eyes and hair ). And remember when you said you'll quit, well guess I'm quitting before you hehee sozzz. Tatsujin: Sandy, girl you got like tons of chars but I always remember all of them are you. Good luck ingame! I like you soo much hehe, since you always treat others ice cold/shy but treat me so nicely Also thanks for helping me with big bullies/scemmers and got my 100m back Your also the first female friend I had on the game. Will miss youuuu trotsky: My bby nerdroo CUTE ASF OMIGUSH! No other words to say but CUTECUTECUTECUTE hehehehe LUB EW MY ONE AND ONLYYYY but you always doubting me on that. I crieee. D3ze/J3ze: JESS MAH BAE<3 Even though you just joined the guild but you're adorableee. Remember don't get any panties! Stay pantless cuz that's hawt stuff hehehe Love youuuu. Don't forget to come to Taiwan! Euwerneese: Werndyyy. FUCK YOU! You only cared about that 80m and not me? jkkk Gonna thank you for helping around with gpq and cameraman; I really suck at this game Anyways I always get to pick on you, while the others pick on me haha. You lil kid. Das rite I said KID. K-I-D Revolver/lnvoke: Jay such a guild betrayer Always joining other guilds but in the end you always come back hehehe. Anyways you will always be level 10 in my heart hahaha since I met you as a noob, so you will forever be a noob Thanks for helping me become a Shadower btw lol! Lopaz: Man you're soooo stinky. That's the reason why I dumped and cheated on you like 10000 times! Btw you're the worst person I met here. I don't know why we are even friends. U sux hehehehehe hate you so much<3 Psychedelics/kool: Kayaaa! Known you so long in the server, like 1 year at least. We been in so many guilds together. I'll never forget that terrorist guild that became SISI because the GMs couldn't handle the joke Anyways, you such a lazy bum never levelling whoops I think I offended myself too lmao. Atleast get some levels so you can max your flash jump. SockThief: Keithhh. Wish you the best irl! You srsly been through like so much things. Anyways we're always talking about food online. FOOD IS LOVE HEHEHE Gonna fly over to nj to steal your gf, so she can feed me waffles under her bed like a troll hehe. Wish I could ship some mochi to you. And don't forget mangoes>grapes! SolaBear/Tharivol: Ray #-3. THAT RABBIT SOFA ALWAYS MAKES ME JELLY! Thanks for helping me in game, especially when I'm bombing bigfoot Because I am 87 like you said and don't know how to solo it hehehe I keep dying and need you to res me RoyalSaber: WEIRDKID ALERT! STAY WEIRD BUT NOT TOO WEIRD THANKS MrTofu: Always stalking on me in the game LOL. I wish the best to you in your career and hope you accomplish your dream of becoming a "not gay" designer like you said Jiae: You big fat whale. Always spelling my name wrong! Jeai. Jaie. Jiea. Btw you're such an afker. Get to 200 pls! Just 20 lvls awayyy WOOooo~ Early gz! *fireworks* pew pew pew YoLin: Super super quiet that I never get to talk to you but you always appear when I need you, for guild meetings Also remember not to get yourself banned again because I unfortunately won't be there to write a forum thread for you Alcetraz: Such a weirdo. Always harassing me! Good thing I was too lazy to report you like a gazillion times! Anyways hehehehe don't pick on my girls okayyyy Btw you have mop hair. Please get rid of it asap! Bula: Bye! LOL DUNNO WHAT TO SAY Have fun with the new mooostacheee? SHO FANCY? Tardex: Bestie ________________________________________________________________________________________________ And to the members that quitted before me or were banned but mean like the whole world to me : Equi/Thawne/ZyzzBrah/Zolomon LeSchane MajinBuu/Slushy Dagamo Prata notd0va/th0t Annihilate GodsStepSon/Samir RoyalSnow/SnowBabe RynRyn Krispy Alinor/Alenor/Elinor cDonut Oriatia1 Linyah/Flirt LanaOuO Siko/Zein Tudoras12 Nachos Zorua/Elysian/Deceit Nessa/Hoshie Model/Chic/Depart/Drunk/etc…. Elley ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Also THANKS TO ALL OF YOU STAFFS OR PPL THAT WERE ONCE STAFFS FOR MAKING THIS SEVER WORK even though so much lag and disconnects! ANYWAYS KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! (And mostly thank Stan; the only staff that is my friend LOL. Gonna miss the days that we had twin hair buns hehehe! Thanks for the special delivery; fat sausage. I still have it in my inventory. I'm not giving that away hehehehe) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ANYWAYS GONNA WRAP THIS UP! LOVE YOU PEEPS MUACK MUACK <3 FEEL MY LOVE <3
I wish you all the best in your future endeavours and in pursuing your career which I know 100% you will be successful in doing Tina! thank you for all the funny memories and stalking sessions keep up the gr8 work m8 and don't forget to give me a shoutout in your future music videos or some shit. - Kangaroo
I'm genuinely really upset to see this Tina. I guess we haven't hung out that much recently and i regret that a lot now but I want you to know that it was an absolute joy to have you around on the server for the past year and a half and I hope you continue being a superstar.
you'll be missed greatly Tina <3 Good luck with your studies. Send me an email so we can stay in touch,
OMFG TINA all the best for your studies and all. Damn, you better quit for real this time considering all the heartbreak you've caused me the PREVIOUS times you "QUITTED"??!?!?!