Finally made it to 135 so I can boss 4 days Just need to buy ap resets now to get to that 30k hp. Also bought and then used 9 ws on this craven. 1/9 so far <3 Another craven journey begins.
So.. After spending the day being poor, I raged and sold my 15 atk SCG for 1.2B and a clean SCG. Used 70s on it and ended up making another 15 atk.. Holy fuckin shit. I'm so done.. Guess this covers up the 1b loss from yesterday. Still shaking a little lmao. Last slot was scary af.
Got everything I wanted from the event finally + my current outfit and about 30 more gelts. Big thanks to Nick and Andreas for the help with the snow. I've passed along the favor and gave the rest of the snow to a fellow guildie, and told her when she's done to do the same with whatever is left over.