This game has a large barrier to entry

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Hanae, Jan 5, 2016.

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  1. Ch0rus

    Ch0rus Donator

    Aug 3, 2015
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    It's definitely possible. I started out by creating a Hero and it still is my main atm. I'm making a NL atm and yeah, the HP washing does cost a lot, it takes time because i didn't want to screw the washing up too. Most of the cost for hp washing comes from the voting for nx to get ap resets and my hero.

    I do not own a bishop. All I did was grinded up to lvl 135 and started bossing. My main income comes from Zakum runs (and HT in the near future) and that's how i funded my NL. not much money, and it takes time but who cares. I enjoy playing my hero. I don't feel obliged to play bishop. I do what I enjoy.

    Even now because I'm going for heavy hp washing and have lots of base int on my NL, I can't actually fight on my NL properly because the dmg is just bad. So, I hero leech it. Yeh, you can say what a pain to be hero leeching than having a bishop leech, but again, i like playing hero. so i play it. and I still have to balance between getting better gear for my hero and funding my NL.

    Don't feel like you're obliged to make a bishop. It's just the most efficient way to make money because you can sell leech, doesn't mean it's the easiest. especially if you don't like it, spam genesis for an hour selling leech, i don't know how you're gonna go through that then. From my example, there's certainly other ways fund yourself. so make a character that you'll be happy with.
    Hw89 and Raiyan like this.
  2. seanc

    seanc Donator

    Oct 22, 2014
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    tbh, idk why this is in the feedback section, it should be in general discussion or " how i feel about this game" but w/e.

    There's nothing wrong about the game, the game is perfectly fine with how it is (not gonna elaborate) and the point you are stating there is the way players play the game. First off, HP washing and creating a bishop is not what MapleStory is about, like you said, you are not obliged to create a bishop, if you don't like it, then dont make one. Simple as that. But then don't complaint about how people are using their mages in training their new character and such, - It is the most efficient way to achieve results and most of us, don't want to spent our time on achieving something which we can achieve it faster if we approach it in a different way. Also, it is not easy to find a group of people to train with anyway. Hence this happen.

    Ok.. about hp washing, playing classes that have low base hp is pretty clear that they are at an disadvantage which may cause them not surviving bosses and such. It may seems that you are forced to hp wash but it is not actually the case. You know, you can actually boss at later levels (when you have higher HP), adding your AP into HP, going bosses with a DK. Or if you are scared that you might still die, maybe you can play another class?

    If there is a challenge, then you should face it, not creating a thread about the issues or being mad about it..... ~f12
  3. txxkim

    txxkim Donator

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Just play what you enjoy, and don't feel like you need to be pressured into making all these other accounts, going through all the headache of voting/buying resets/washing/etc, and putting yourself through stress just to make it better to play in the future. I made my first and current main bm back in June 2014. Got it to lvl 42 and I quit. Recently within the past 2-3 months I started playing again. I had no clue washing existed when I came back, and just played and lvled. Currently I'm lvl 144 and I just play the bm anyway. You play a game to enjoy and have fun with. Maple isn't everything, nor is it forever. I plan on just playing to socialize with friends, zak/krex/pap, and if i can HT later, dope. If I can't, don't really care cause I'd rather spend my time havin fun than forcing myself to go through that headache just to be able to boss/boss better.
    Caro, Juni and Michael like this.
  4. Michael

    Michael Donator

    Jan 16, 2014
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    And you are seeing it from your own, a perspective in which this game is impossible to play without making a Bishop, which simply is not the case. As many have said before me, the game is perfectly feasible to play without a Bishop; it may not be the fastest or most efficient route, but it is still definitely viable.

    I feel the need to respond to this because I do not want the OP to believe that they MUST make a Bishop in order for this game to be fulfilling to them. I simply do not and will never believe that that is true.

    You let us decide for ourselves the answer to this question. We all know what your answer is. It's not the only answer, and it certainly does not make our answers any less valid.
    lilaznpnk, Lyrium and Jeen like this.
  5. Penny

    Penny Donator

    Apr 19, 2015
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    Just wanted to point this out for people who don't want to wash, want to boss early [PLEASE NOTE THAT I AM SAYING EARLY BECAUSE YOU REALLY REALLY DON'T NEED TO WASH INSANELY TO BE ABLE TO BOSS AT ALL], and may be concerned about their HP because I think we've talked about all of these points before with regard to the whole bishop/leeching/washing thing, and you all pretty much know what I have to say about that topic:

    Hyper Body is literally the bomb. Dark knights have hyper body. Befriend a dark knight. Have higher HP. Hyper body running out? Ask friend to recast OuO.

    Back when I like actually played, my squad had a dark knight, so we always had hyper body, so people who weren't washed could run with us no problem. ^-^ This is also a great option for people who want to grind but are kinda squishy (think NLs at TOT or something). Also yay partying!
    Kivin, Lyrium, Jeen and 1 other person like this.
  6. Kristian

    Kristian Donator

    Feb 24, 2014
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    You can always tag along with a DK for their Hyper Body, no shame in partying! tbh i cant really be too bothered with HP washing so im not doing it but hey im survivin on lvl 56 yo
    Dylanducki likes this.
  7. Noyo

    Noyo Donator

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Hello! I can feel your frustration! And tbh, I wanted to main BowMaster too but I DID NOT make a bishop or sold any leech. I found other alternatives.

    I have always only been interested in 3 classes since EMS time:- Bishop, Bowmaster and Aran. So, I made a priest first, and enjoyed it for about 2 weeks while hunting bosses for NX, Gachaing and APQing to make mesos. After which, I made my very first Archer in my life. I would play my Archer, only till I reached/washed enough for her level. And use the money I made from my priest to wash my archer.

    If you want to play certain games, and you know how it works, I think it is very unfair to complain. It's just like wanting to play Paintball but not wanting to feel the pain of the pallets.
    Plenty likes this.
  8. WatIsHarbor

    WatIsHarbor Donator

    Jun 5, 2015
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    thats tbh one of reasons for me to don't want to start offisland character
  9. StGermain

    StGermain Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    It seems to me, that the biggest challenge for new players is that, with the apparent new changes made to HT (that I'm not entirely familiar with), the new HP requirement for sins and archers increased from 5.6k hp to 9k hp base. There's such a big difference between washing to 5.6k vs 9k that new unfunded players can't start off with a BM or NL comfortably like old unfunded players could.
  10. Andreas

    Andreas Donator

    May 31, 2014
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    It has never been changed, the only thing was that horntail did not work, you could freeze the body parts from attacking at all.
    Now if you have 5.6k HP you need Hb there is nothing strange about that.
    Sila likes this.
  11. Lyrium

    Lyrium Donator

    May 14, 2015
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    Coming from an unwashed NL who has been on my fair share of HT runs since the recent changes, the 9k HP threshold is just there in order for you to comfortably live through the boss run. (For example, if you don't hit the required HP, you can start at the top platform and attack Head C. Just don't fall until the lower body parts are dead!). HT wasn't meant to be an easy boss and that's part of the fun about it! A lot of my friends and other players don't fulfill the "9k requirement" and we still go on HT runs with Dark Knights because of HB. Don't let the washing aspect affect your time with the game. That's what parties/buffs are for. :)

    As for making mesos, I, like many others, also didn't make a Bishop until waaaaay later into my Royals playing time (5-6 months into playing or so) and honestly I don't even sell leech on my Bishop either. Each class has the capacity to make mesos in their own way, so with attacking classes for example, getting to 135 and Zakking gives you a shot at a Genesis 20 split twice a day, which is great money. I think the main issue is that a lot of us (including myself) spend a lot of time comparing ourselves to other players who are funded, washed, etc., when really it's most important to play at your own pace, set your own achievable goals, and keep climbing from there!
    Shnang, Celtea, Raiden and 5 others like this.
  12. StGermain

    StGermain Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Thanks for that reply. I actually just made a new thread in the help section. I was feeling kind of stressed lately with all the pressure on washing and bishop grinding and funding, etc. It was kind of like, "why play a game when it feels more like work than fun." Maplestory, especially oldschool Maple, has always been a grindy game as opposed to new Maple and non-rpgs ofcourse. Community is the most important part. Apart from using Maple to procrastinate and avoid responsibilities IRL, loneliness and burn-out are probably the likeliest "quitter causers". It doesn't help that I've been gone for 3+ months and lost my guild and my old friends are now inactive. It would be nice to work on that first.
  13. Ch0rus

    Ch0rus Donator

    Aug 3, 2015
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    I second that. Don't compare with other people because it won't ever be the same. Some might get luckier in gachaing and gets CS a lot. Personally, I've gachaed. 70 tix at kerning and no pgc. Someone else got pgc from a 11 ticket run. A friend I know gacha nlc 35 tickets and got 2 WS. And also some people here have more money simply because they have been playing this game longer. If I were to compare that much, I probably would have been miserable and quitted by now.
    Jeen and Lyrium like this.
  14. snowday

    snowday Donator

    Oct 21, 2014
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    I agree that mages 4th job throws off the gameplay entirely, but there really isn't a solution to that. The whole system would have to be revamped, the fact that a mage's purpose is for grinding and farming ($$$) is a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. Although, it's interesting to think of how different the game would be if there were no mages.

    But if this is about money for your own purposes, being able to get 8k NX a day is just free money. That's 16 tele rocks per day, if you make sure to always only buy them at 5 for 2.5k, thats 32 mil a day. FREE. So 100m every 3 days. 1b a month for nothing except maybe spending a very negligible amount of time in the FM. A monthly allowance of 1 billion mesos so long as you vote. Hell, go gach maybe you'll come out with more than that! On top of just playing the game you can get a lot of money kinda easily.

    Honestly, if I had it my way, all methods of monetizing the NX you get each day would be removed, and gach tickets would drop from bosses. I understand its incentive to get people to vote, but I've accrued such a silly amount of wealth for doing more or less nothing but gaching for free.
  15. Sila

    Sila Donator

    Jun 4, 2014
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    Chiming in here.
    I started this server about a year and some time ago as a thief. Right away, my first character I made with plans to be an asassin. Hermits were my favorite attacker in gms. Around level 9x I finally got my first zhelm and someone said "you're gonna ruin your character if you dont HP wash!"
    This made me panic, of course - who wants to ruin their character?
    But I talked to people and found out it was an over exaggeration. You can get by with the minimum HP with HB, but you'll be doing the harder hitting bosses later. Without HP washing as a sin, you'll likely be doing HT around 17x instead of 155, and will always rely on a drk HB.

    I started using whatever int gear my friends were willing to lend me. It wasn't a certain amount every time - it wasn't perfect ,either. Sometimes I had over 100 int with equips. Other times I had none. I didn't make a bishop for the sake of making money. My source of money came from grinding, doing quests, and gacha. I went for the places that I knew had better drops, even if they had less EXP. Like going to coolie zombies at 5x-7x instead of GS2. I trained early 7x with a fire/poison mage at MDTs instead of wolf spiders and got some really good drops.

    I never bought leech, I carefully evaluated the few things I bought - did 3 attack difference on a skanda really make that huge of a difference for me? Not really. So I went with a 47 or 48 attack skanda instead of a 50 attack, because it was cheaper and easier to get.

    I later on made a priest because I got bored of my sin for a bit, and I missed grinding himes and Wraiths and stuff with heal. Not because I wanted to make a bishop to make money, but because I wanted to play the class. It became just another thing to do.

    Then I went on to make a bucc, and started to actually HP wash that. I washed it to 12k, not that I needed to but because I wanted to be able to bigfoot and be lazy about taking touch damage.

    Now? My NL is 191 (I've not leveled in over half a year cuz #lazy) with almost 7.6k HP base.

    Tl;dr: You can make whatever class you want first. You dont' need to HP wash unless you want to boss early. There's ways to make money without a bishop main. Take a look at the NL guide I've got linked in my sig for some ideas too, even if your preferred class isn't a NL.
  16. Aerith

    Aerith Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    I personally DID start with a bishop, but not for the purpose of leeching myself etc, but because I personally love how bishops play. Let me just say this... The grass is NOT greener on the other side.

    You go to zak etc and are basically a slave, you get 5 minutes into starting leeching someone for money and you think to yourself 'why did I start this', you get bored of seeing that angel face pop up for the 18333937th time, all while constantly thinking you can be having fun on another character.

    If I had to start again from scratch, I wouldn't even be thinking about starting with a bishop, time is a precious commodity and the time it takes to get to a point where you can make 'big bucks' from leeching is so huge that it'd actually be quicker to make an attacker class with minimal washes. Bishops are for the lazy and for the pure int washers (my NL has been pure int from level 1). Don't feel forced into making a bishop because trust me you will regret losing time making it that you could've spent enjoying another class - play a bishop only if you enjoy it.
    Mrkaren, Eli, Michael and 2 others like this.
  17. Dylanducki

    Dylanducki Donator

    Sep 24, 2014
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    This may not be a great question but ARE you able to Horntail at say lvl200 without washing? Does anyone know how much hp jobs like sins, archers, or corsairs end up with at 200?
  18. Jeen

    Jeen Donator

    Jul 22, 2015
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    The Shoutbox
    You can horntail way before 155 even without washing. How do you think people in GMS, where hp washing was ridiculously expensive so people who did it were rare, were able to kill HT? Like many people have said before, bring a dark knight. Now that ht is not freezable, almost every party has a DK because many people don't have the luxury to wash to 9k hp.

    I personally started with a bishop and have reaped the benefits by self leeching, I'm more than willing to admit. However, not a single meso I've made is from selling leech. I have never, and will never, sell leech. I don't even sell helms (unless I happen to join a party that was already selling, which has happened enough times that I can count on one hand). It's just how I choose to play the game. Instead, I play with scrolls or join boss runs for splits. I

    Bishops also have no other way of gaining levels except for grinding. Very rarely are bishops allowed to get exp during boss runs, especially ht. They sit there, stay alive, and hs/res when needed. It's incredibly boring except for when you're spamming magic guard when dark wyverns spawn. I/L, F/P generally have it worse. Bossing is focused on 1v1 dps rather than high volume aoe so they're really not geared toward bossing at all, especially since they do not provide any important party buffs. Mages were meant to be a grind-y character. Simple as that.

    Here is an analogy that I have presented to many people and they personally found really applicable.

    There are 3 different people who all want to go on vacation. They all decide to get there in a different fashion.

    1. The first person buys a plane ticket. They spend a bunch of money on the ticket and get to their vacation destination quickly. But wait! They spent so much money on the ticket, now they don't have as much money to spend on sightseeing, eating, and all the other fun stuff. This is like people who buy leech. They don't mind spending money as long as they get to their desired level as soon as possible.

    2. The second person takes a boat ride. It takes a lot longer to get to their vacation destination, but now they've saved a ton of money on airfare. They can now go buy souvenirs, eat at nice fancy restaurants, etc. This is for people who choose to just grind it out. They still get to the same place as the first person, but it just takes a lot longer and there's nothing wrong with that. Some people don't like plane rides (leeching) so they choose to grind it out. Good for them! They now have more money to spend on equips because they didn't spend it on leech.

    3. The third person decides to make their own plane. It takes really long to make a plane and a decent amount of money too. But now, they have their own plane so they save on airfare! And guess what, planes usually can fit more than one people so this person can charge others for flights! This is like people who make mages and sell leech. They invested time and money into making their own char and now in turn are able to sell their services for something that they put work into. But, not everyone is cut out to build their own plane. Some people just don't know how, some don't care to, some just hate planes.

    Bottom line is, you can play this game however you want. If you want certain results, then you have to work for them. If you have a goal, then you have to set up how to get there. And then you stick to whatever you want to do. Don't try to make people feel bad when they get there faster because they put in some type of effort to do it too. Just because it's not the same type of effort doesn't make it wrong.
  19. Nostaigia

    Nostaigia Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    yes 5.7k hp is needed w/o HB
  20. Shielded

    Shielded Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2014
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    Maybe the when the "New Source" came out, we will have more variable to choose from. If you don't HP wash you still can bossing but one touch hit from most of the boss body (Zakum / HT ...) will K.O you instantly.

    This problem is mostly because of the game version. Maplestory v62 is a fun patch but its a unbalance version, some class are left out and their potential are limited *cough Paladin* and some class become a little too powerful. In maplestory v83 or 86(the best version in my opinion), bishop Infinity is no longer "Free mana" and "Genesis" have a cooldown so bishop is no longer a farming machine, Paladin get new skills that separates them from Hero and they can actually tanking and party buff...
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