Hi, I was training at Petri with a party and it seemed like our party became glitched. I attempted a relog and now I only see one channel before the character selection and cannot enter the game. IGN: Jisus Thanks!
I have same problem too. I was training at skele but I log out to vote just now. Now I want to log in and see chl 1 only, and I cant enter the game even. hope it can be fixed soon.
Excuse me, my comment on this thread got deleted with the reason: "This is a 1 month old thread". Yet the question on this thread seems not to have been answered and i have had the same symptoms. So instead of just removing posts silently, please answer the question. Thanks.
There is no point in bumping old threads when the server crash, that information could have easily been found in the shoutbox. Like the comments before you bumped it also said they were not the only ones having it and also said "Hopefully it will be fixed soon" that is pretty clear that the problem is not with a single person, and not user related at all. Also means it is server related, which answers the question.
I am sorry that you think I am being negative for giving you the true reasons for me deleting your post in the first place, that was not my intention. It's very likely that you already knew there was a server problem after you responded about your post being deleted which if you did I find it very disrespectful.