Sign-ups have ended and the brackets have started. Below are the links for each bracket. Use them to see who you're playing and organize a time for you to play. Please complete your "ROUND 1 (Winners Bracket)" battles by Friday, February 5th, and don't forget to save your replays and post them on the thread! If your match is on round 2, then you don't have to compete till Round 1 is completed. Remember to follow the guidelines for OU ORAS. Only use Pokemon that's in the OU tier or below. To start a match, find the username of your opponent in the lobby and select "ORAS OU" or "Random Battle" depending on which match you're playing. Introduction Hello MapleRoyals, after a long time of sharing our love of Pokémon in random Skype chats, @Michael and I have finally decided make this joke of an idea into a reality. We want to extend the invite to anyone who plays competitive Pokémon battling to join us in a tournament with some small prizes on the line, but mostly to meet other people who enjoy the same game that we do! But wait! Some people like playing Pokémon but they just want to play casually! Good point, friend, I'm glad you said that. It's because of that that we've decided to host two tournaments, not just one! The first tournament will be a standard, competitive ORAS OU format, and the second will be a more laid-back and fun Random Battle format, so that no matter how seriously you take the game, there will still be some fun for you. Without further ado, let's get into some of the specifics. Rules/Format ORAS OU Standard Format You will play your matches using Pokémon Showdown. Click here if you do not know what that is. Your choice of six Pokémon with game-legal movesets and items only. You are allowed to change your Pokémon team at any time between matches. All games must be played according to the standard rules of ORAS Singles OU as defaulted by Pokemon Showdown: Swagger Clause, Baton Pass Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause, OHKO Clause, Moody Clause, Evasion Clause, Endless Battle Clause and the HP Percentage Mod must be used for your battle to count. The bracket will be a double elimination format. All players will start in the winners bracket and upon first loss, moved to the losers bracket where another loss would result in full elimination from the tournament. The two brackets will converge to a Grand Finals where the Winners' Bracket player will need to be defeated twice for the Losers' Bracket player to claim First Place. Random Battle Format You will play your matches using Pokémon Showdown. Click here if you do not know what that is. Your team will be comprised of six random Pokémon with random movesets, generated by the game. You will select the ORAS Singles Random Battle format, which will generate the same standard rules of ORAS Singles listed above. The bracket will be a double elimination format. All players will start in the winners bracket and upon first loss, moved to the losers bracket where another loss would result in full elimination from the tournament. The two brackets will converge to a Grand Finals where the Winners' Bracket player will need to be defeated twice for the Losers' Bracket player to claim First Place. NOTE: You are more than welcome to join both tournament brackets if you want to participate in both. General Rules Your matches must be played within the time allotted for each round and have submitted before the deadline. Failure to do so without a reason may result in your match being forfeited to the other player. Upon completion of your match, only the winner is required to post the result. The winner will also be required to provide a replay of the match as proof of their victory. Failure to do so will result in the loser either being required to admit to their defeat or requesting a rematch. Instructions on how to share a replay will be in a spoiler after these rules. In the spirit of the community nature of this tournament, a disconnection will not instantly disqualify you from your match, however if it becomes obvious that you are disconnecting in attempt to re-roll your Randoms team, or for any other competitive reason, you may be subject to disqualification. Spoiler: How to share a Pokemon Showdown replay After you've finished a battle, your screen will look like this. Click the button that says "Upload and share replay". A message looking like this will pop up on your screen. Share that link with us, as it will allow anyone who clicks on it to see the game in its entirety. ORAS OU Standard Branket Signed list: irmy (@irmythewormy) Shnang (@Shnang) courtneyr (@Courtney) acityignites (@Stan) Nova Terra (@Kerrigan) YellowMellowFellow (@Kruzynn) PlentyMR (@Plenty) FiveDays (@Fixer) iHateSwampert (@Zynzer) PINK IS AWESOME (@omnom1337) usedpotato2 (@coolcat123) 50ShadesofPurple (@PuddingPrince) Pudding Mix (@Decatei) NJMoose (@Moose) Houof (@Huff) Oreiller (@yellowblue) PainMR (@Eli) sixty700 (@Michael) Lyrium (@Lyrium) Random Battle Bracket Signed list: irmy (@irmythewormy) Shnang (@Shnang) acityignites (@Stan) Nova Terra (@Kerrigan) YellowMellowFellow (@Kruzynn) NJMoose (@Moose) PlentyMR (@Plenty) FiveDays (@Fixer) iHateSwampert (@Zynzer) PINK IS AWESOME (@omnom1337) sofiur3 (@sofiurm) usedpotato2 (@coolcat123) waynut (@Unknown) 50ShadesofPurple (@PuddingPrince) Pudding Mix (@Decatei) Houof (@Huff) Oreiller (@yellowblue) PainMR (@Eli) sixty700 (@Michael) Lyrium (@Lyrium) Moooooooomr (@Moo) courtneyr (@Courtney) NOTE: When creating your Pokemon Showdown name, log onto the site to make a profile to test if your name has already been taken. Prizes ORAS Singles OU Prize List: First Place Prize: 1x White Scroll Second Place Prize: 15x AP Reset Third Place Prize: 10x AP Reset ORAS Singles Random Battle Prize List: First Place Prize: 1x White Scroll Second Place Prize: 15x AP Reset Third Place Prize: 10x AP Reset If you are interested in donating any prizes to be added to the list or assisting us in paying for the prizes, that is absolutely welcome, however we were fully planning on paying for everything out of our own pockets. Thanks for the reading, and we hope to see a lot of turnout! (And major, major props to @Michael for making/writing the thread!)
REPLAY BANK ORAS OU Bracket Spoiler: Winners Round 1 Lyrium vs. Pudding Mix ( Oreiller vs. PlentyMR ( acityignites vs. ihateswampert (Forfeit) Spoiler: Winners Round 2 50ShadesofPurple vs. PINK IS AWESOME ( sixty700 vs. PainMR ( YellowMellowFellow vs. courtneyr ( Lyrium vs. NJMoose ( irmy vs. Nova Terra ( FiveDays vs. acityignites ( Houof vs. Oreiller ( Shnang vs. usedpotato2 (Forfeit by noshow) Spoiler: Winners Round 3 Lyrium vs. YellowMellowFellow ( sixty700 vs. FiveDays ( Shnang vs. 50ShadesofPurple ( Houof vs. irmy ( Spoiler: Winners Semifinals sixty700 vs. YellowMellowFellow ( Spoiler: Losers Round 1 Nova Terra vs. iHateSwampert (Forfeit) Pudding Mix vs. PINK IS AWESOME (Forfeit) Spoiler: Losers Round 2 courtneyr vs. NJMoose ( Oreiller vs. Nova Terra ( Pudding Mix vs. coolcat123 (Forfeit) Random Battles Bracket Spoiler: Winners Round 1 courtneyr vs. Houof ( Nova Terra vs Mooooooomr ( YellowMellowFellow vs. 50ShadesofPurple ( waynut vs. NJMoose ( irmy vs. sofiur3 (Forfeit) Spoiler: Winners Round 2 acityignites vs sixty700 ( Lyrium vs. yellowblue ( PainMR vs. Moooooooomr ( irmy vs. Shnang ( YellowMellowFellow vs. FiveDays ( ihateswampert vs. PINK IS AWESOME ( Pudding Mix vs. waynut ( PlentyMR vs. Houof (6-0, no replay) Spoiler: Winners Round 3 Lyrium vs. YellowMellowFellow ( acityignites vs. Pudding Mix ( moooooooomr vs. iHateSwampert ( Spoiler: Losers Round 1 courtneyr vs. waynut ( Houof vs. NJMoose ( upsedpotato2 vs. PINK IS AWESOME (Forfeit) 50SHADESOFPURPLE vs. PainMR ( sofiurm3 vs. sixty700 (Forfeit by no-show) Spoiler: Losers Round 2 courtneyr vs. sixty700 ( Houof vs. irmy (
Pokemon Showdown Name: irmy Formats I'd Like to Join: ORAS OU Standard Bracket and Random Battle Bracket On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest) how serious are you about battling Pokémon: 10 Super hyped for this!!!
Pokemon Showdown Name: *edit* Shnang Formats I'd Like to Join: ORAS Standard Bracket OU and Random Battle Bracket On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest) how serious are you about battling Pokémon: 12 I really wanna join but I hope that timings won't be an issue :x
To clarify, we will be giving people a few days to complete their own matches at their leisure. PM your opponent in whatever way you know (forums would likely be default as you will all have forum accounts) and set up a time to do the match when the two of you can.
Don't worry, we'll be giving around a 5 day time limit to complete a battle since timezones are an issue! More details on that once more people sign up!
Pokemon Showdown Name: Nova Terra Formats I'd Like to Join: OU, Random On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest) how serious are you about battling Pokémon: 100
Pokemon Showdown Name: NJMoose Formats I'd Like to Join: Random On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest) how serious are you about battling Pokémon: 6.5 (I'm a casual type pokemon player but know I have a lot to learn before I can say I'm an "experienced" player)
Another note: We'll be starting the tournament when we feel there's enough entrants. The tournament will cover maybe a week or more as we'll be giving entrants at most five days to organize and play their battle. (This is done since we understand there's many players who span different timezones)
Pokemon Showdown Name: PlentyMR Formats I'd Like to Join: OU/Random Battles On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest) how serious are you about battling Pokémon: 6
Pokemon Showdown Name: FiveDays Formats I'd Like to Join: OU/Random Battles On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest) how serious are you about battling Pokémon: 3 I have not played pokemon for a while, though this seems alot of fun! Count me in
Pokemon Showdown Name: iHateSwampert Formats I'd Like to Join: RB On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest) how serious are you about battling Pokémon: 5 if no swampert, otherwise 0.
Pokemon Showdown Name: Spooky Business Formats I'd Like to Join: OU On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest) how serious are you about battling Pokémon: strong 7, light 5