been playing for almost a week and i'm trying to save up to eventually buy some INT equips but idk prices so can i get some advice on what i should get with ~135m? also have ~22k nx which i was saving for gaching, or should i just try to sell tp rocks/ap resets? haven't looked too hard but seems difficult to find female int bathrobes :x all my equips are basic except these: 5 m.atk earrings 4 int mystic shield (i had 29 luk before i decided to go lukless) 7 int/93 m.atk 0 slots maple wisdom staff thanks!
A 14 Int robe shouldn't cost too much. Just buy a 5 Int 9 slot robe and finish it off with 100%s. Use the rest of your money to get a Zakum Helmet and a pair of decent earrings (around 15-20 tma)
As an alternative, you can try hunting for doroness robes from jr wraiths/axe stumps. I believe they can get up to 9 int. You could either scroll that or sell it for a good amount and buy a bathrobe instead. You can also farm bubblings for a 6-7 int blue jewelry shoe. You can sell the mithril ores you find for at least 300k each, if not more. Other than that, I would personally recommend gaching at shrine because you can get a lot of scrolls you can use/sell. Shrine also gives purple gaia capes which have an avg of about 6 matk I believe. You can scroll this with 60, 70% for fairly cheap (~5m per scroll) Another thing you could do is APQ. APQ drops cape for int 30% that you can try your luck on purple gaia capes as well. But like plenty said, I would buy the zhelm first. That will net you an avg of about 15 int, if not more.
how much would you say a 5 int 9 slot should cost? someone told me 60m, and ive only found one for 80m, or a 14 int for 150m
Prices have been going up so you might as well buy that 80m robe and slowly get yourself some 100% scrolls and use it on that robe.