Me vs Lyrium OU battle Me vs Lyrium random battle
Updating and tagging people for current battles that need to be played! ORAS OU Winners Bracket Round 2: Due in by Thursday, February 11th! @Stan VS @Fixer Fixer 2-0 @coolcat123 VS @Shnang @Huff VS @yellowblue ORAS OU Losers Bracket Round 1: Due in by Saturday, February 13th! @Kerrigan VS @Zynzer Kerrigan by forfeit @omnom1337 VS @Decatei @Eli VS @Plenty Random Battles Winners Round 2: Due in by Thursday, February 11th! @Eli VS @Moo (Game 12) Moo 2-0 @Plenty VS @Huff (Game 14) Random Battles Losers Round 1: Due in by Monday, February 15! @omnom1337 VS @coolcat123 @Fixer VS @Kerrigan @Michael VS @sofiurm @PuddingPrince VS @Eli @Moose VS Loser of Game 14 Please try to have your battles in by the posted dates above! Thank you!
Aw, was inactive from royals for a few weeks, missed the event eniterly. Please tell me when a simular event will take place please . I remain been undeafeted in uber XY