Here is where members of Ohana can post screenshots related to the guild & family <3 Feel free to share your moments! Will edit this first post soon <3 Link to our official Ohana guild thread~
15th Dec ᾿15 28 members online Thanks for all the love in just 4 days~ Much appreciation to you guys! <3 16th Dec ᾿15 Ohana's 2nd "Snowman Channel Contribution" CH5 is our spot <3 Smega-ed a few times to alert people. Snowman down! Everybody exchanging presents <3 It was so much fun~ I didn't need the purple sock tho, lol TEDTACULAR BEARINGTONS HYPE! Big thank you to all Ohana members for saving up snow & contributing, being so co-operative. Love you all~~ <3
Earlier's Notice Dear Ohana members, Please try to make yourselves available @ 15:00 ~servertime for a *SURPRISE GUILD EVENT* organised by BabyColgate (Grace) in conjuction of Ohana's first month existing <3 Hope to see you all there! *** Congrats to the winners & many thanks to @Toothpaste / BabyColgate for making this happen for all of us <3 Thank you too, to our beloved family members for taking part even though it's so last minute <3 Making memories together <3 OHANA <3 *Event was in Q&A style*
Since there's a server check now & I just woke up. I'm gonna upload ss from the past OHANA APQ SESSION. Maplers always ask "why do I always see Ohana people in APQ" BECAUSE WE ARE POOR AF ~ All of them semi quitted Royals because they are too poor to play and gachapon don't give them anything Secretly taking photo with my "future lover". Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh HEHEHEHHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEE HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE @John I think John looked the same since forever. @xMikasa Darling & I during Xmas event when my hair is still short. Miss the snowman badly Bald died in Zakum. Happiest moment of my life. Meeting Dimitri for the first time in Maple To be continue with my laptop...
Omg. Look what wonderful Ohana & beloved Royals GMs did for me :') <3 I am so touched & happy that you guys made my birthday so special & unforgettable <3 So lucky to have met you all~ THANK YOU! :') Especially to May for making this video happen! Lots of love <333 I appreciate everything & every single one of you
It definitely was :') Thank you for taking time to send me a wish, it was so sweet of all of you & means so much to me <3 Thank you~~~
My Valentine? (I wish) @Michael <3 & when you walk in on your guildies & see them say... *ahem ahem* Love is in the air? @MrRebs @Mei