Dreamy Ghosts for Earring Dex 70% Rexton for Rexton Leathers (Sells for 200k) Dark Cornian for Skull Shoulder Pads and Concertos Memory Monk for Helmet Dex 60%
dude i have 1,000,000,000. 200 k is noting. i want to get a lot of money. should i train a cleric to bishop for leech?
So what if you have a billion. Clearly you're underestimating the drop rate of Rexton Leather. You can if you want. Bishops grinding isn't for everyone, but if you plan on making one in the future, you may as well start now.
If you're looking to hit home runs, you need to learn how to merch: understanding market forces, manipulating prices, exploiting arbitrage, creating items that players "demand" while hedging yourself against the risks of scrolling, etc. etc. 1 bil is not a lot of money, but it's enough to enter most middle-class markets. Of course, you do so at your own risk because nothing is guaranteed. It's easier if you have a bishop: if you ever go broke from scrolling, you can always sell leech for a day and you're back in the game. Also, don't ever underestimate farming. A perfect clean red katana goes for hundreds of millions, and Pepes (the monsters that drop them) are easy picking for a hermit. If you level your character past 135, you can also join zak runs and make money from splits.
I won't give you all the answers here but i can tell you that scrolling is one of the key aspects. I would assume that every rich person in this game knows it's true
get to lvl 135+ go on zruns. Sell Zhelms with your buddies/guild. Hope u get Gen 20. dem splits. save up your nx to gach. go to kerning city. Get dem 9att pink capes and 60 att claws. (Jackpot) APQ a lot(this isnt the best since u wont be guranteed to get apples from bonus stage and apples dropped from 15 mill to 10mill)
I'm sorry, but that's not the right mindset to get rich. If you want mesos you will have to work hard on it, there isn't an easy way where you can make billions out of nowhere. Plenty's suggestions were pretty much the best and safest way to get money at your level while still training and getting a decent amount of XP.
I suggest you go throug the fm and market place forums to learn for yourself what sells well, what people want and don't want, and learn prices. You can have people tell you what to do all day but you won't retain the info well until you learn the market for yourself. Read that guide I linked to above. Marching is the single best way to make money in maple, and it's not something that people can just tell you what to do. If you learn to merch you'll end up having more wealth than most people. Finally, use the resources you have! There's an amazing scroll price guide that @Plenty keeps up that's great for beginners learning the market. There's also the Library on the main page that has a wealth of information, and many other threads throughout the forums that are very beneficial. Use them! Other than your own brain, those are your greatest boon.
I suggest stocking up on red potions. I have a good feeling that they will be rising in price very soon.