I don't remember the guilds with z's but I was once a member of the older RiotGuys and my friend was married to the leader of RiotGirls xD
Ooo it must've been a spin off the actual guilds themselves, now that you mention it. And haha I used to be in RiotGirls (or Girlz, can't remember)! Good times for sure :')
Started playing in early, early Beta when Maple Island was the only island in the game. I think this was 2003. It was hilarious. No one knew how to add AP except for a few people so some did 10+ damage and everyone else did like 2-3. There were generally 50+ people on each map at any given time. It was the most social maplestory has ever been.
Wow you are a true MapleStory veteran! That sounds hilarious, but yet awesome haha. Wish I could have experienced that
I started playing in Jan 2006 after a month that windia came out, ofc I was in windia. I only played in windia, never felt like starting over on other world. I've been active until angelic buster came out, but I quit a lot between those years. My highest lv is 202. I have some screenshots. this was my fav guild, they all were fam<3 Innocent. I cannot forget to mention my online bestie Denise AKA Meli.
Played since beta on a character called xGuinivere with my sister SoulShivers. I think I posted it before but this is the oldest pic that I have.
Started playing in 2006 when I was 9 y/o. I remember I didn't know English at all at the time and thought my character name was supposed to be my account's ID, luckily my friends told me to make new character with a new name, so I made 56NOAM65 (yesiknowitsbad) in Mardia and got to 87 before big bang. Good times
Started with MapleSEA in 2005 or 2006 (not sure, I was a little kid who just wanted to play lol.) Switched to MapleEurope at like 2007. Had characters like "iName" or "Princess123". No they aren't my chars, I don't remember them. Quitted and went back every year, I think I have an addiction to this 2D animatics. Actually quitted when I realize how frickishly boring the game had become (curse you BigBang.)
Started in May of 2006, my family came over that day to celebrate my birthday and my cousins told me about this game. We downloaded it that day and ever since I've been hooked. Nowadays I play every once in a while. Can't believe it was almost 10 years ago... )=
January '06 in Broa, played until late July, and then Bellocan from September until uh whenever Guild PQs came out? After that it gets pretty fuzzy as to when I actually stopped, maybe I could Wayback Machine my old MMOTales account and figure that out.
Started in 2005 MapleSEA before 4th job came out, and that lvl50s and above were considered really pro. Miss those times.
I started playing in beta in 2004 I think, can't be sure of the date. I remember we had to restart our characters when Scania was created and the madness of everyone trying to save their beta IGNs. Still have my mark of beta bandana
2005, but didn't actually play stably until 2009. Final IGN: Hyperdriven91 Level and Class: 43 Page Guild: Afterblast (Founder and Leader) Server: Windia Final Login: December 2009
I started playing about a year after you! I quit in undergrad when I picked up WoW. I did play Beta, but didn't get into the game until Scania came out. Grinding sucks.
I dont really remember when i started playing. The first character i made was around the time Tiger was 109 or less, but i knew about the game since Bera came out... I just disnt have a desktop to play it so i used to play on my cousins account.
I started MapleStory in 2005 open beta launch and it was my first MMORPG. Played on GMS v0.01 with that damn roll dice that I hated to get 4/4 stats. The game was so crowded....I mean sooooo crowded in all 20 channels 1 server(Scania). My favorite training spot was Henesys training grounds.... newbies all over the place just trying to lvl up. Also Perion channel 1 was the MarketPlace... my computer lagged pretty hard with all those ppl spamming. It's nice to revisit and play again in this private server but it's not the same with all the ppl that it had back then....it was more challenging back then especially with KPQ..... hundreds of people in party's with tracks and autoclickers just patiently waiting.... And once you're in.... You feel accomplished and awarded that you got in and beat the other party. Anyway I'm really enjoying this server cuz the new one really sucks, really feels like 2005 all over again. Well I guess we all waiting for the english Maple Story 2 right?