So, i just wanted to say if anybody anywhere, need help with getting into royals, to learn the basics, what should you and shouldn't you do, smart tips and tricks to help you as a begginer, at any certain times, event relvant questions and just if you'd like to make some friends, Your welcome to PM ME! Plus, if anybody would like to, i can add him into the list, as long as he would answer to newcomers and will be patient with any problem they might have. so my IGN is: "Lupy" Feel free to PM Me anytime, and welcome to MapleRoyals!
Hellosh. I'm getting the hang of everything pretty quickly just by looking at the guides and asking in the shoutbox myself. Though I DO have some "I wish I knew this sooner as a total newbie" advice I'd like to share just for the heck of it. I'm still pretty newbish though as I'm levelling as fast as a snail in syrup... 1. ~mapowner command sometimes shows the last person who was in the map rather than who is still there and still owns the map. If you don't see a red dot, littered items on the ground, or it's not a popular map then smack the air (just the air, try not to hit a monster if you can help it) real quick then ~mapowner again to see if it changed to you or if it stayed the same and the person is off screen but still on the map and fighting. Keep in mind you can only use this command again after 30 seconds have passed. 2. Orbis Exchange Quest is specifically to help levels 10 through 30 to level up faster by turning in 100 of the items at a time with the items gathered by an alt of yours or someone else who is selling or giving them away. If you are not in this range, that is you're over 30, then it's not for you so don't bother with the quest as you won't get decent exp. 3. Yes, Maple Island is reeeeally frustrating for everyone who can't put any stats in strength for their job pre-Big Bang. This is normal as normal can be. But, it is worth it! You can do it! I'll cheer you on! Wooooooo!!!!
I asked for help and I got the help I needed. If any beginner needs help, I think it's safe to say that Lupy delivers. Go PM him like I did!
Yeah, I'm new, and I don't even have good enough experience from previous GMS play to go off of haha. But, I've already made a post and scoured for guides and found the newbie guide: Thanks for your tips too Razzlee Though what's the point of the mapowner thing? Is it so you don't tread on someone's grinding or something? Might reach out to you though Lupy haha For me, just trying to figure out what I should learn. For example, never knew about hp washing... Oh my... So far everyone that I have run into has been nice and helpful though
The orbis exchange is by no means anything someone new to the game should be dabbling in. Especially since it costs something like ~200m to get from 10 - 30 now, with the increase in price of the zombie teeth.