Okay, so I've been browsing threads for a while now and using the 'Search' button there's not much I could find on Yu-Gi-Oh. Lots of Pokemon though which isn't a big surprise tbh haha, But any Yu-Gi-Oh fans? Playing, collecting, or just watching? I've always loved the earlier card releases, and the series is fun to watch as well. Anybody with me? Anybody?
used to play during 2012-2015. Had to quit cuz the game got too expensive for me. Also the power creep was unsatisfying for me.
Yeah understandably. I started in like 2007 or something I believe? In primary school then. Saved my cards and since two years I'm collecting again, now it appears I have some rare cards which is fun haha
Currently still keeping up with the meta and considering investing a fair chunk into the game, but with the banlist looming, I've been really apprehensive.
I've never even tried keeping up with like the banlist or newer series, I just collect as much as I can, and as much of the older and classic cards. Then one good friend of mine as well as my brother also collect, so we just duel by the old rules, though they probably haven't changed much. No banlist though.
I don't play Pokemon though I used to collect because everybody did but it was never my game, because I always preferred Yu-Gi-Oh. And yeah I used to play Maple for years but I think it just got less and less interesting with all the new releases, like everybody was just flying around the map hitting tens of thousands. Of course I had to try it so I do have a Kaiser lvl 131 or something. Didn't really like it much though to be honest. So this server is perfect for me, like it is for many people.
Yu-Gi-Oh player here as well, though my interest has really dialled down over the past year. You know the power creep is out of control when Raigeki and Soul Charge are legal and no-one even plays it. Most games are determined in the first few turns and the skill component has seriously diminished over the years. To be competitive, you're either playing Monarchs (zzzzz) or spending up to $1000 on Kozmo. My favourite deck would probably be Plant Synchro at its prime: it had unmatched versatility and required tremendous skill and experience to pilot correctly. Dragon Rulers are a close second; despite the OP cards, the mirror match was actually complex and tended to favour the better player. I always approached the game with a focus on the process (developing technical and deckbuilding skills) rather than the immediate outcome (win/loss). Btw if anyone wants to play retro formats I'm always down.
I must say I'm not really familiar with the names of all the series. I haven't been able to keep up. Though I don't use Synchro in my own duels. I also tried making like a good deck but also being able to make many more, for instance I've had a Dragon deck for a long time, also have made an Obelisk deck and an Exodia deck. The release of Yugi's Legendary Decks in November 2015 helped lots of people get the God Cards and Exodia cards. I liked the Premium Gold and Premium Gold 2 boxes a lot too though. I just prefer the older cards to the newer ones, though they aren't all bad. I always want to play retro format haha it's just so much fun!
I still buy yu-gi-oh cards once in a while for nostalgic reasons. I was really into them from 2003-2005, but once synchro and xyz monsters were introduced I just stopped playing. I still have almost all of my old cards. I occasionally hop onto http://www.duelingnetwork.com/ to play a few old school games.
I remember I played the Yu-Gi-Oh card game a lot in primary school! I loved that game so much, I remember when having Slifer the Sky Dragon, The winged dragon of Rah or Obelisk the Tormentor made you really popular lol! I miss that game sometimes, as well as the series but probably too much happened in the anime from then until now for me to ever catch up again.
Lol and we think the MapleRoyals chair market is volatile. Dude can you imagine owning a $800 PePe deck and waking up the next day to the emergency banlist. RIP half your Yu-Gi-Oh net worth.
That's great to hear. In the Netherlands where I live, there's several sites where you can purchase every card individually. Something I'd see as hacking in real life when I first started playing Yu-Gi-Oh, but now I find myself guilty of buying cards I just can't seem to get in booster packs. Also, everything's sold out so quickly when it's in stock here, it's just no fun anymore.
Ah man, having the Egyptian God Cards made you like nr. 1 pimp in the playground. I do have every set twice now and I didn't even buy them to get them. I got them in then Premium Gold boxes, which are like boxes with reprints of old cards, as well as some new ones. It includes the Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Exodia Cards, and Egyptian God Cards. I was fortunate enough to get all three God Cards in three boxes I only recently started watching the series, about a year back, and I'm just at the start of season two now. But there's honestly like 800 episodes, I can't imagine everybody kept up haha!
I used to play in some of the small tourneyments at our local mall with my buddies. Seeing the faces of the guys who lost to my all trap deck was the best moments of my life. Magic cylinder that 5000 attack monster. GG. But yeah i still play duelingnetwork.
I used to play this Deck named Chain Beat as my tourney Deck. Not the most tiered Deck, but the basic idea was that your Deck was full of Chainable Traps with floater monsters such as Wind-Up Rabbit and Evilswarm Thunderbird. You would use stuffs like Compulsory Escape Device (not Evacuation, Escape), Widespread Dud, and other Traps to remove opponent's field one by one and deal with their monsters. Obviously it can't be played anymore because of how floaty the game is now with Kozmo, but it was fun while it lasted. I don't play anymore unfortunately.