To play (and finish) in 2016: -fire emblem fates -borderlands 2 -mario and luigi paper jam -(hopefully) a new pokemon release? Hype for Feb :3
I gotta work on my [Super Smash Bros.]Melee skillz("skills" with a Z to look cooler) tbh(to be honest) family(family)
Been playing all versions of Pokemon (in Japanese) on my emulators so I can continue practicing reading kana/kanji. Also have been playing 3DS Games SSB3DS Pokemon X/Y/ORAS Animal Crossing (New Leaf) Steam Games: Catlateral Damage Portal+Portal 2 (just bought) MMORPGs: Lucent Heart Blade and Soul Elsword Online Considering: Final Fantasy series Akibastrip The Escapists
Pikmin Paper Mario TTYD on my GameCube (lel) ElSword, DragonNest,Wakfu,Royals on teh interwebs Oracle of Season on my GBA ArcaneSoul on my iPod Spoiler you all have that one game you play on your phone or whatever when youre in the bathroom this is the one i play
Started playing Elder Scrolls Online recently, it's a really fun game. well worth the 25$ I paid for it. They dropped the monthly subscription fee!
right now i'm playing hyrule warriors: legends on my recently bought 3DS I'm way too lazy to actually write an somewhat accurate game history. (over 20 years of gaming)
FF15 coming out in September! Sorta excited but at the same time, everyone looks so emo. This really is a Final Fantasy game!
Been playing a lot of CS:GO lately to procrastinate. If anyone wants to play hum! Chicken Stix is my steam id.
FFXIV; Banner Saga (1&2); FFT (Speedruns); Pillars of Eternity (new patch); Divinity: Original sin Enhanced Edition (Can't wait for D:OS 2, which has a pvp system! )
For the first part of 2016 I was playing Fallout 3, and then I got bored. I started playing Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, but I got bored of IV breeding and what not. Lucky for me Fire Emblem Fates was coming out and I got the Conquest version, I chose this version because I heard it was the most difficult and I consider myself a FE veteran, I started playing the series around 2004-2005. I thought the game was challenging, not hard. Eventually I got all the paths and beat them all. Overall I would say Revelations is my favorite path because of all the characters and a real final boss. I started playing Reboot World for a while but I got bored, so I started Royals.