@Aly @Stan @Ch0rus @Elainey @maggles @Maffoo @Moo @Matt @itsKate @ClaudiaX Are people free towards the end of this month?
Will always make time for you <3 But yea, deadline on the 18th and then I'll have less stressors (though still many) so after that will be nice! How's Saturday 26th?
I have an assessment on the 22nd of March and then I should be writing up my thesis over the Easter holidays. I suppose going out a day or two should be fine. I'm good with 26th.
We're making plans for London stuff weekend of the 26th on Skype so if anyone's interested please let me know <3
Is there anyone that's in the Las Vegas area? Or anyone in the Washington DC area? Doing some... research
Where my Chinese players at?! I'm from the US but I'll be in China for awhile! I live in zhengzhou so i can high speed rail anywhere. IGN Paggos