I see a lot of stuff being categorized as worthless when asked how much they're worth. As a newbie who could use even a tiny bit more mesos does that tend to mean it won't sell at all so don't bother? Or if I do sell then it'll only buy if it's really super cheap like 100k or less? I wanted to make some quick potion and travel money and got quite a bit of junk I'd probably see categorized as worthless, but someone leveling might could use them as a quick and tiny boost for their class for really cheap. And while I'm at it, how can you tell if gear is worth selling or not? I mean what makes a gear worth putting up in your merchant and how are so many people so good at knowing exactly how much it is just by looking at it? I'd try to price shop more with Owl of Minerva but I can't afford 3m for each use at my low level.
Things I feel are worth selling: Scrolls worth more than 1m Near perfect end-game equips (clean/scrolled) Damage enhancing use items / summoning bags Ores that can be converted into plates and crystals, NOT gems Equips used to create HP washing gear iTCG crafting materials Quest items (Orbis Exchange / Mount) Things I feel are NOT worth selling: Clean godly low-leveled equips, unless for magicians and lv. 30 or lower Scrolls that aren't always in demand (Waste of merchant space) Ores that are made into INT/LUK/Dark crystals and any gems. Learning the prices really comes down to how often you frequent the FM. You'll start to get a general sense of how much things are worth over time. If all else fails, you can ask for a price check on the forums and search through previous selling threads. As a new player, you want to focus on leveling up until you can either boss (Attacker) or farm (4th Job Mage) efficiently. Any mesos you gain along the way should be put towards guaranteed stat increases rather than risking it all on skillbooks or self-scrolling, unless you're able to hold a temper when it all goes wrong. Try not to worry about your damage output early on because you'll end up buying nicer equips with the mesos you've saved later. Also, avoid spending mesos on commodities such as smegas, owls, and AP resets until you've established a steady income. Generally, it's not worth the time or space to sell an item that barely gives you mesos or has a terrible demand. You'll drive yourself crazy if you try to penny-pinch every item's value, so stick to your own guidelines on what to dump onto your merchant and what to sell to an NPC. You can tell if an item is godly by using the MapleRoyals Library. Search for the item, hover over each individual stat with your mouse and you can see the range for each attribute.
One exercise I'd recommend doing is taking an hour or so to peruse every single shop in the FM, starting with channel 1, free market 1, and going all the way to ch1/fm22, then repeating this on every other channel for as long as there are merchant shops. While you're doing this, take a mental (or a written) note of the most commonly sold items. Sure, it's somewhat tedious, but doing so will give you a great grasp on the economy of MapleRoyals and would thereby give you some insight in regards to how to make some cash. When I started here, one of the first things I noticed in the FMs was that Power Crystal ores and Zombie's Lost Teeth were relatively popular to sell. So, being the poor newbie that I was, I planned then and there that I would eventually spend many, many levels at Coolie Zombies. Stuff like this is how you can contribute to the economy and also be rewarded by it; this isn't the only way you can make plans and benefit from hard work in Royals' purely-capitalist market. In regards to your specific inquiries, I think it's a little bit hard to say whether or not your items are truly worthless unless you give an extensive list on them. That's why in general, I'd recommend my FM-perusing exercise so you can get a general feel of whether or not your item will sell, based on looking at what others are selling. Though if you want quick answers to specific items, you're always welcome to buddy me (since I'm a loner who could use some friends ) and I could do my best to give you a second opinion, for whatever it's worth.