R>Horn tail Split Run on 4/3/16 (8PM Singapore Timing)(2PM Israel Timing) Once HT killed, the drops will be for sale and after which it will be splited among players that survived. Horn tail run sign up; Party 1. 1)AutomicBoom(Orgnzer) - NL - Lvl 164 2) Jamcqueen - NL - Lvl 160 3)GwangSoo - NL - Lvl 155 4)attenuate - DK - Lvl 158 5)Tomfoolery - BS - Lvl 162 6) SawakoChan - BM - Lvl 168 Party 2. 1) DK 2) BM 3) BS 4) ATTKER 5) ATTKER 6) ATTKER To apply, kindly leave ur ign,class,level and base hp. Example, Automicboom Nightlord Lvl 164 7938Hp