Job hunting! I've always had alt issues in games, but since MS pre-bb is the kinda game where it's best to concentrate on one character at a time I thought I'd try to main one after a bit of testing. Here's some info of what I prefer! ....and, uh, I'm not sure how to say this, but I must confess that I'm a bit slow when it comes to certain ... stuff I'll say. So I could use a class that isn't frustrating on people who are kinda slow. ...and yes, I'll consider bishop with that in mind. It just feels kinda odd that I like the idea of possibly maining a class that everybody has by default to make mesos. Primary goals for me: PQs, farming mobs, merchanting (newb at this one though...), events Secondary goals: Casually bossing at late levels with decent gear. Don't plan to be an ideal bossing job. What I prefer: Flashy mobbing skills, quick single target attacks, supportive buffs or skills of some kind What I don't like: Low range ; slower than normal speed What I've tried and what I think.... I/L Wizard: Struggling too much to do anything. I'm not sure if it's because I'm still somewhat new to the server or because I don't like their low defense while lukless (which really shouldn't even be an issue with me thx to magic guard but meh) 4 out of 10 for the moment, though I'm sure I'd enjoy this job at later levels. Spearman: Slow unfortunately, but the defense and having an early aoe is rather nice I admit. Don't think I'd main them but I like the idea of keeping them on the side as a 'just for fun' alt. 7 or 8 outta 10 Hunter: Love. O_O Even with the frustrations of enemies getting too close I enjoy finding ways to create enough space to attack. 9.5 outta 10! Considering but haven't tried yet... Cleric - Probably my best bet I admit Bandit - Probably my worst bet I admit but they sound flashy and entertaining at the very least Gunslinger - If their attacks are faster than hunters than they might be a preferred ranged class
If you're planning to stick around for a while, don't job hop too early. First, I think you should make a cleric and get to 81 and use them as an hs mule to compliment your IL archmage. If you want, you could level up your cleric further to bishop. But once you get to IL archmage you'll have an easy time leveling at petris with an hs mule (especially since petris are considerably emptier than skeles). Getting your first char to 120 is pretty boring. But you'll have the luxury of self leeching your next classes if you have a bishop or AM. The most efficient way to progress in this server in terms of levelling and financially is to make a magician and get them to fourth job before focusing on attackers. (You could still make one anyways if you're really bored though, don't let anyone tell you how you should play. It's just advice.) It was mentioned somewhere before that to level up from 10-30 would take like over 23000 orbis exchange etc. items. I think its under 70m to get them all. That can be a lot for a new player but its not much for someone who has at least one fourth job or gach'd for a while. There's really nothing nostalgic about making 4+ fourth job classes in a few weeks because you self leeched them all, but that's what most people do and what you'll probably have to do after a certain point to stay competitive and avoid being a noob over and over again. Also, it will help a lot if you use base int to wash some of your secondary chars (which you'll want to do atleast a little bit of if you plan to play a ranged char). If you want to play a supportive bosser, then as you mentioned a DrK or BM would be good. If you follow Gossamer's beginner hp washing guide for example you'll notice it's a lot more expensive to wash a BM than a DrK (it's not necessary to, but it will make bossing a more comfortable experience). If you don't like DrKs' slower attacking speeds, you could create an SI mule. It shouldn't be too hard to get to around 75 thanks to all the PQs, and could even leech both at the same time from 75+. To make money, you could either sell godly drops from common leeching locations or try your luck at scrolling them for profit. For example, you could casually throw scrolls on cravens and nisrocks that you pick up from ulu2 and petris. Check out Plenty's leeching guide for more good drops to look out for. This is also a pretty good process to follow as it continually provides with goals to achieve. First, you want to get a mage to fourth job. then you make an attacker. Once the attackers get to 75+ and you're bored of not having any PQs, you hop back on your Mage. You then leech your attacker with your mage to level multiple chars at once, and farm loot to sell and scroll. Once your attackers get to 135, you can boss consistently. The money you made from selling loot from playing your archmage can be used to fund your attacker.
Ya know, I'm more inspired to continue my I/L Wizard now, thx. Especially now that I found a cheap 'better than what I have' int bathrobe on her. I think I'll even grab some Orbis Exchange items to help get a cleric going. ((And yes, I AM an indecisive lil nerd.))
Have you tried Buccs? I had one on GMS and never got bored with it (did not do any bossing tho). Buccs excel at mobbing and can be decent at bossing, they are useful as buffers too with SI. I know they are short ranged but they mob very good, specially st 2nd job and 3rd job because you just corkscrew or backspin the mobs. Unlike spearmans, this melee pirates have pretty mob(b)ile skills and decent single target. This is what makes them fun( and the skill SFX feels really good) so you could try them out if you feel like so. The above may seem like a very biased comment but this is from my experience when the pirate update came, and leveling was slower than here so keep that in mind. Also i do not have a buccaneer as of now in the server so i wouldnt be able to answer tricky questions.