I thought my feedback was clear, as i'm saying many of the reports are handled with just following "rule" rather than taking every case by it self. that doesn't apply to all cases for sure, but there have been ALOT of cases where stupid decision were made just because of "following the rule" thing
What's considered to be stupid to you is not what others consider stupid. I feel by and large, there's rationale behind staff member's decisions and when there isn't, that's when other staff members and admins step in to remedy the decision so a better considered approach is taken.
To add to this discussion, I have another situation that can be seen as both bannable and not. I often like to summon farm heart stoppers. There was discussion earlier to where it is bannable if a pet is out and looting. So if I were to fall asleep at the map with my pet out (not attacking or having summon out) and someone was to walk in and report me for "looting their map", would this be a bannable offense as well? Although technically it is in the rules to not loot from someone's map, it seems like it would be a grey area.
Why would you put yourself in that questionable situation in the first place though? If you know you're going to fall asleep, why not hit the Trade button and send yourself back to the FM so you don't even have to worry about the possibility of being reported?
You cant warp to the fm from that map f3, but overall a good suggestion that people should follow Or just log off if youre tired.
I've actually fallen asleep whilst training multiple times and since at that point I'd have probably been playing very tired for a few hours I'd only realise I fell asleep once I woke up lol, people who took over my map never seem to mind since I didn't attack or in some cases I just died and woke up with my char in town ^^ But point is, it happens and I don't think I'd be able to fm right before.
Not to sound rude to either fellow staff members or the players that are taking part of this discussion, however we are discussing whether we are banning too quick or not. In the last few replies I've read the subject has derailed to falling asleep when grinding or farming items, even though these subjects can lead to borderline bans they are not directly adding onto the main subject of this thread. With that said I want to request us all to remain on topic and not derail it any further. From my own experience I've noticed that we do sometimes judge a tad too quickly when it comes to reports with a borderline amount of evidence, this has occasionally lead to us landing a ban for something we shouldn't have. I wouldn't be surprised if I've landed a few of those bans as I don't always discuss the reports with other staff members before replying to them. Personally I discuss every report I have hesitations with, however that does not mean that the reports I don't have hesitations with are always judged correctly as I could accidently miss a detail and ban for all the wrong reasons. To me it sounds like we might need some more communication before we reply to reports, even the ones we think we're sure of that we're doing the right thing by banning or not banning. If that's not an option we want to consider, maybe we should consider raising the bar when it comes to minimal evidence required for a report and thus denying all reports that would not have sufficient evidence under those new guidelines. To put this into more perspective, for example a KS report would require several timestamps showing there's actual killstealing happening and perhaps even add in a requirement that the player must have asked the other player to leave using a more correct form of english than "cc pls" (Since saying "cc pls" technically isn't even a correct form of asking, but more a form of giving orders). Raising the bar would of course have up sides but also down sides, there will be players abusing the fact we wouldn't ban for certain borderline situations anymore but I'm sure it would be possible to find a balance for that system. TL: DR; I think we should either communicate more as staff when it comes to decisions on reports or we should perhaps consider reworking the report abuse guidelines to make a more strict form, resulting in less borderline situations in reports leading to accidental misjudged bans.
I think considering this option would be a step in the right direction. Not only will it help with making a more accurate decision but it would also stop so many meaningless reports. If someone is truely being subjected to someone else breaking the rules and harrassing them then they'll have no problem taking extra steps to ensure it is reported correctly. For many of the current abuse reports, I don't even think the incident lasts long enough for enough evidence to be gathered to warrant a banning. People need to get out of the habit of trying to get everyone banned for the slightest little thing.
Let's face it. No one ever bothers to read the rules when they sign up to play the game. If they did, we wouldn't have so many people pleading ignorance when posting their ban appeals. In fact, most of these reports come from those who hear from a friend that certain things can get you banned without actually reading the details themselves. A simple question to ask when reading these reports is, "Is this person doing this to help the community?" Personally, I find that the answer is no. Most reports seem to be out of spite. If people really cared about the server, they could try to inform the abuser respectfully that they are in clear violation of the rules before resorting to asking for staff intervention. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Narrative Representation: Person 1 owns the map and is training. Person 2 enters the map and starts attacking on the other side of the map. Person 1: "cc" Person 1: "cc or ban" Person 1: "~mapowner" Person 2: "Why? I'm not ksing you." Person 1: "go or call gm to ban you" Person 2: "I'm not breaking the rules." Person 1 takes a screen shot of Person 2 on the map with the necessary reqs. Person 2 leaves the map to avoid arguing with Person 1. Person 1 posts a report anyways and Person 2 is banned for violating the rules. Was this a valid report? Yes. Person 2 was clearly breaking a rule, and Person 1 properly posted the thread with the correct format. Neither the staff nor the player were wrong in this situation, but what does it achieve? Player 1 doesn't gain his map back in time and Player 2 probably won't be banned until both players have already logged off. What's worse is that he/she may not even bother to read the rules after the temporary suspension. Now, onto the original point of the thread. I believe @Dimitri has the right idea about raising the bar for ban reports. IMO, only reports with clear evidence should warrant attention from the staff. Borderline cases should be dismissed the way scamming reports are handled. Either Person 2 being reported stays long enough for Person 1 to obtain multiple screenshots that clearly show the offense or he/she leaves the map which is what Person 1 wanted in the first place. In all honesty though, I feel that the T&C is due for an update to clarify some rather vague rules. (i.e. Scamming punishments and a complete requirements list for each type of abuse report.) - - - - - Actually, how about we forget all about the **** I typed up there and stop being dicks to each other? Sound good? I think so.
The only issue I've ever had with bans on Royals is the pettiness of what is banned and what isnt and consistency of when we ban. I've seen some of the most petty reports about "verbal abuse" when the worst thing said in the report was something as benign as "fuck you". And that person winds up banned. We're all adults here right? I think we can all agree we would like to be treated like adults. Everyone should be over the age of 13 and should be old enough to handle mean words on the internet like "fuck you". Are you really offended by those words when you make your reports? Or are you trying to get some kind of satisfaction of "winning" the fight you had with that person by reporting them. That to me, seems much more likely. That is basically what most of these reports end up being. Revenge reports towards people they had a disagreement with. And it turns out to be astonishingly effective. I can forgive these reports tho, as they are technically breaking a rule, and while i dont agree with the petty reporting, Its not my place to say what is and what isnt worthy of a report, even tho I have chimed in a time or two. We need better consistency in what we ban for. And why. The biggest example of lack of consistency I've ever see was when a player reported another player for using gay slang. The word was used in all chat towards another player in another completely seperate conversation. Not once was anything ever directed at the person reporting. In the screen shot you see the reporting player say in his buddy chat "watch me get this guy banned lol" and sure enough that player was banned. I agree words like that shouldnt be tolerated on Royals, nor any place for that matter. But the SS in the report just didnt sit right with me. It just seemed like a report was made more for the "lols" than it was for anything else. Not long after this incident, we had a report from a player, where we see a disagreement between two players. And right there for everyone to see in the SS is a player using the N word in all chat towards the player reporting. Surely the same punishment will be levied here right? Wrong. It was deemed to have not been aimed at the person who was reporting. "Were they even talking to you" was the response. What does it matter if the player using the N word was speaking to the reporter or not? You banned one player for using gay slang you should also ban the player for using the N word. What. Even.
What's wrong about saying "gay"? It's a completely normal thing, I don't see people getting banned because they said "straight", could anyone explain me the situation? Is it misunderstanding?
The issue is people are saying "gay" to mean "stupid" or "dumb" or "lame" or "(insert any other insult here)." When people say "straight," they never use it to mean those things. If you don't understand why it's wrong to use gay or retarded or any similar words as insults, I posted some links below, but for a simple TLDR, how would you feel if your identity — an intrinsic part of you — was considered something to be ashamed about or something to insult someone with? An Open Letter to People Who Still Use 'TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu' as an Insult The R-word
No hate or anything but I think Rced has a point. For example I dont like rule (if ur with hacker in pt ur banned) I remember guy who was leeching priest so he was hs himself. After that leecher got banned bcuz priest was botting and auto hs. How the hell leecher could know he's hacking? Should we be scared to leech priests now bcuz we can got ban ? It could literally happen to anyone... I remember plenty of other bans, I won't say stupid bcuz as u said for someone it's not, but making no sense at least for me and all my friends who read them (just simply ridiculous sometimes).
Because it wasnt the word Gay that was written. It was a derogatory word used towards gays, which I cannot type since it shows up as HOMOPHOBIC SLUR.
It is quite easy to tell if a person is botting though, atleast those who have repetitive movements. All you really need to do is to check if they're responding while doing a certain activity (wether they're buffing or attacking), if they do not respond then watch their movements. And if they're moving in the same algorithm then disband the party and call a gm/record. If a gm can distinguish someone from botting and not botting, then so can you. Gms are humans afterall. Question to the staff team. If you party with a hacker that is not using obvious hacks such as fast attack, higher damage etc, would both people share the same punishment if the hacker gets banned? Because it's very hard to tell if they're using hacks or not, especially if you haven't tried the different classes.
That's what I'm talking about saleh auto hs is not obvious hack I was leeched many times and tbh i never talk to leecher bcuz i'm focus on movie or other stuff same as leecher who rarely even looking at screen while leeching. And as far as i read about ban for being in pt with hacker yes u getting ban even if it's not obvious hack what for me is stupid but idk let gm say something bcuz I'm not sure
I feel like more ppl are getting banned than actually ksing? Maybe make mapowner more lenient in mob areas and strict in boss areas (such as manon, bf, hh)?