I am wondering if its okay to make a secondary account for the propose such as HS mule for my main account or potentially selling leechs for my main account funding. I read lots guilds and heard most people have a secondary account that they use for HS buff. (Following questions are all under condition of using same IP address) I am very confuse about this idea of making a second account. 1.If both account were owned by the same person, and only main account vote for NX daily would it still be count as account sharing? 2. If it is allowed do I have to make a forum to notify/claim to GM about the fact that I use 2 accounts? Idk if this is question posted already or not, can't really seem to find it. If there is similar question please feel free to redirect me to that forum, ~Thank You
you are not breaking any of the terms and conditions by doing so mate. Aslong as you unsure that you do not allow another individual to access any of your accounts be it your main or your mule you should be fine
Ahh, thanks for the info! Since we are allowed to have multiple account; dose anyone know how multi client?
If you use windows 7, Sandboxie is the easiest program to use. VMware is the most commonly used alternative, and that also works on windows 8 and 10 as far as I know.