Hello! Thanks for applying, you have been accepted!! Make sure to PM one of our Jrs (MysticRain, OneSword, Sencha, etc.) to receive an invite! See you in game.
Thanks, Thao! We were gonna make it private... and then that happened somehow. So, LOL. Sorry, Rigo </3 You can come to MysticGrill's future wedding instead, huhu.
Hi there, thank you for applying! And congrats, you've been accepted. Message one of us in game (MysticRain, OneSword, Sencha, etc.) for an invite! Welcome to Kingdom!
IGN: MehDK Age: 18 (saturday 19) Job: Fighter (currently) Level: 55 (currently) Time zone: UCT/GMT +1 hour How active: 8, playing several hours every day. Mostly midday + evening. Skype: yes Purpose for joining: I am new to this server and i am looking for friendships. I believe i can find a lot of nice and active players in your guild. Another goal is to join in with boss runs as soon as i am able to. Also looking forward to do pq's (GPQ) with guild members/friends. Any bans: None, neither in other versions of maplestory i've been playing in the past few years. Do you even GPQ: Of course, even tho i don't have a lot of experience with GPQ, i am always up to join in.
IGN: Apelpisia Age: N/A Job: NightLord Level: 193 Time Zone: GMT+8 How Active (1-10): 3 days in a week Skype (yes/no): yes Purpose For Joining: Looking for a guild for making new friends. Any bans (if yes, for what): never Do you even GPQ?: nope
Kingdom loves GPQ so much, that we're always dying to get some runs in since the very beginning of it all... Spoiler HAHAHAHAHAHA