Accepted and added right when you applied! Just a late forum response I guess! A WILD ALEXI APPEARS (again) !!!!!!!!!
Name/Age: Maroun age 17 IGN/Class/Level: DMaroun , FUTURE Bowmaster, 10 Country/State(US): Israel Something about yourself:I love to play other games (ac,witcher,etc) Previous guilds, if any? I'm new to the server Why did you choose Oblivion? My best friend recommended it , great guild from what I can also see Favorite Zelda game? Never played. Favorite Pokemon game? Cant remember What's the recommended level to join? 100!
He's also made a couple guest appearances when I was at voodoos farming stoppers. Seriously he's there every time I am.
Name/Age: Anthony/23 IGN/Class/Level: KforKS/Bishop/120 Country: Australia Something about yourself: old school maplestory player Previous guilds, if any? Veterans Why did you choose Oblivion? the people in the guild are very nice Favorite Zelda game? never played Favorite Pokemon game? pokemon yellow
Name/Age: Dimitri / 23 IGN/Class/Level: Snipper / Marksman / 174 Country: The Netherlands Something about yourself: Hiss hiss hisssss HissHissss hiss hisss. (Translation: I perma seduce BenBreeg in the FM every day.) Previous guilds, if any? Clarity, RACUNAMATATA Why did you choose Oblivion? Coz the STAFF guild never does GPQ :c Favorite Zelda game? Ocarina of Time. Favorite Pokemon game? Sapphire Favorite Pokemon quote? To ignite the peoples within our nation! What's the recommended level to join? Eli has deemed that I will fit, so I could be lvl 1!
Name/Age: Malin/25 IGN/Class/Level: Elissera/Bishop/124 Country/State(US): Sweden Something about yourself: I love food. Previous guilds, if any? Clarity, TREED, RACUNAMATATA Why did you choose Oblivion? Ever since the end of Clarity, I've been looking for an active and sociable guild that does a lot of fun stuff together. From what I've seen and heard from my friends, Oblivion seems like an active and fun guild. Also, GPQ hype! Favorite Zelda game? Majora's Mask Favorite Pokemon game? All the Pokemon games.(ok, maybe Yellow) What's the recommended level to join? 120
Late reply but accepted and added shortly after your application ! Met you in-game through selling leech and you were always very friendly! Poor Bennick ! Accepted! A fellow lover of food! You'll fit right in. Accepted!
Lf-join ign:gumic class:nl lvl:172 Country/State(US):israel Something about yourself:my nama is asaf old 22 got child old 2 year and love maple Previous guildshana! Why did you choose Oblivion? al time in guild alot ppl online and is guild ranke 1 !
Oblivion is currently full (100/100) and the thread currently says not recruiting. We might be able to reconsider you later but at the current time we don't have any space to accept you.
Name/Age: Matt/24 IGN/Class/Level: zaswqsnoz/MM/164 Country/State(US): US/FL Something about yourself: I can lick my elbow. Previous guilds, if any? Drama Why did you choose Oblivion? Lots of friends in Oblivion Favorite Zelda game? Link's awakening Favorite Pokemon game? Sapphire What's the recommended level to join? 120+