NB!! Before you read this, it won't be an overpowered suggestion that causes any kind of trouble nor anything too advanced. Alright, as someone might want a little boost when training, I believe there could be a NPC that deals with EXP/Drop cupons. The currency for it could either be NX or voting points (if it will be implemented). The list of stuff the NPC would sell: 2x EXP cupon - 1 hour, 10000 NX cash 2x EXP cupon - 2 hours, 150000NX cash 2x EXP cupon - 4 hours, 200000NX cash 2x EXP cupon - 24 hours, 500000 NX cash 2x Drop cupon - 1 hour, 9500 NX cash 2x Drop cupon - 2 hours, 12500 NX cash 2x Drop cupon - 4 hours, 17500 NX cash 2x Drop cupon - 24 hours, 45000 NX cash Why this would benefit? Because in the end, with permanent NX items, we won't have anything to spend our remaining NX cash, thus making this come in hand. I know this is a relatively high rated private server when it comes to normal grinding w/ working quests, PQ and so on. The point with this is for those who wants a boost. Plus, in the end, hours and hours of grinding might not be as fun for everyone, where this will come in hand and help those who wants the help! I remember a version 83 private server, (removed name), had a Free Market NPC called Ivy, she sold these kind of items for voting points. It was a low rated server, so this is possible.
Gachapon, Gachapon, AP Resets, Gachapon, more AP Resets and Gachapon. And maybe a few Safety Charms and VIP Teleport Rocks too. When we had a higher experience rate (10x), a fair number of people found it too easy to reach endgame bossing levels quickly, and as a result, got bored of the game sooner, as the endgame content in v.62 is fairly limited.
Fairly true, although it could still contribute to those whos "lazy" (e.g me xD). Well, I see where you come from with that. Just thought it could be a nice addition, eh'.
I agree with 2x Coupons,because we had it on gMS, and 4x EXP is a very low rate, but not like 500k NX for one day, that's like 62 days voting (if you vote everyday, and don't use your nx). It should be like 25k NX/day, 130k/week maybe.. I don't think it would be overpowered, with 8x EXP isn't "easy" to reach lv 150+ to normal players, and 25k NX isn't cheap either.
The problem I see is that if the items are very expensive, hardly anybody will buy them anyway (as people prefer gacha/ ap resets) making the effort that needs to go into coding it not worth it. If the items are cheap, then people will be levelling into the boring content too quickly. Although, weren't we supposed to get Temple of Time? One of my guildies said we were o.o
What Kat said. When we had double drop rates (vis a vis the rate now) and 10x exp a significant number of prominent players complained that it was too easy to hit 200. This, among other pressing factors, led to a subsequent server wipe. So nope.jpeg. Not a fan of anything that could affect drop or exp rates in any way. ^^
Just when we are trying our best to educate the community on how NOT to vote abuse... I could see something like tempting people back into doing it.
While I don't support the original post, it seems to me this actually wouldn't encourage vote abuse. It is impossible to transfer pure NX between accounts, right? In order to abuse it for this, pure NX transfers would be necessary
Sorry, yeah, I was thinking about if they were tradable (which they would be by default) like most other NX items.
Ahhhhh I get it. It would take 5 - 6 days worth of NX to buy one of those 24 hour cards. People would just need to create 6 voting mules so that each mule can take turns at supplying the card. I really don't think these cards are in the best interest of the server xD
No offence... I used a lot of 2x cards in GMS/EMS back in the day so ofc I miss them in MR. But I feel something like this has to be implemented in conjunction with a wipe or maybe at least a year down the road after a wipe and it needs to be balanced so it is beneficial both for the players and for the server. So for now I have to say...