I wish I could draw like that... When I draw things, animals DIE because they can't bare to look at something that terrible. xD
Made this in 8th grade with shitty crayons(not very sharp so doing details was hard). I was never good at art classes and only got E in art. I always had that bad habit of drawing outside the lines which most people stopped having after 2nd grade already. I do have to say this is the best thing I've ever drawn even though it's nothing special compared to what you guys drew but it's something(if this was the best imagine how the rest looked). I hope at least some of u you guys like it tho as long as this shitty CD case cover for a game(our essay was to make a CD case cover) made someone smile or give you any new drawing ideas then it's fine. Wish I could make it bigger… Gonna try and find a version with bigger resolution.
Wooowz so awesommmm, a friend of mine drew these ... i don't think i can draw tho Spoiler: Kakashi Spoiler: Ichigo (S) Spoiler: Ichigo (L)