So I'm cyberbulling you because I said that you're acting like a little kid? That's because you are! You have to be 13 + for a reason, you're being expected to reach a certain level of maturity and I'm sorry but looking back at your comments I can't say you're there.
You're still doing it! Seriously man? I honestly can't believe you actually despise bullying if you just resort to petty insults to try and defend your point.
I'm not insulting you, I'm stating a fact; these comments are, to say the least, inappropriate. My intentions were never to hurt you and I'm sorry if I did so.
what do you think summonings bags are for, other than lvling to 200 at strange locations? I can only think of one other reason to use it, killing ppl who afk outside of fm that is.
Using it at the HT entrance when people are becomming cornians, duh. (If you get damaged you lose the cornian buff == rip elixir) I've actually seen someone do this once, and boy did the people get pissed.
I mean, as long as you aren't repeatedly being specifically targeted by someone with the sacks(Harassment), it's just one of the risks of being outside of the FM. I thought the video was funny.
That's like throwing someones plate in Mac Donalds and say ''Oh no, I lost a dollar for a burger, less if I happen to work there'' What part of intentionally wasting peoples time do you not get... Grow up dude
I seriously lol'd with all these comments. Do people really feel cyberbullied if someone drops a monster bag for kill them? When people watch a video of someone doing it in Kerning PQ back then at 2006, they call it nostalgia. If you do it nowadays is cyberbullying? Dying and reviving is a part of this game, this isn't the real life where you will die only once. So just take it easy.
The comments here are ridiculous. Summoning bags have been part of the game for so very long and I've never heard of anyone complaining about them, until now. What you dont see off-camera is that I actually became friends with a lot of the people I killed using the summoning bags. ↓ Old screenshot with one of the people I killed. ↓
"It's a part of the game!" is not an excuse. Where exactly does it tell you in it's description "Use it to make new players die"? Like seriously, freaking hell man. The only thing summoning bag is meant to do is to summon mobs, hence the name. What you do with it, that's up to you. Bans are also a part of the game, does it mean we should hand them out to every random player we see? And what about EXP coupons, they are a part of the game too, or at least were. "It's a part of the game!" never works here, or justifies the grief that you're causing. By the way, the fact that the person you've killed became freinds with you says nada. I can harrass multiple people but at the end of the day, it's up to them how they react to me doing it, if they mind it or they don't. Just because some don't mind, doesn't mean other don't though. Still no argument whatsoever.
@Gags You hate when people use it to kill low lvls/afks etc yet you do it yourself ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyways, do you mind keeping your thoughts about the topic in the feedback section instead (Like in here for example ( as I do find it quite ironic that you are arguing whether killing people is mature or not yet you dont give a shit about discussing it in an appropiate section, flooding his thread with stuff that most people don't even care about. People came here for the entertainment, not to discuss with you about killing people.
Can we stop with these attempts of questioning my credibility? First of all, don't act like you've been there because you weren't. Marty died because a mob attacked him and pushed him out of a safe spot (as safe as it can be), I did not use a summoning bag on him, nor will ever be using one on people. Don't get me wrong I can clearly see how it can look very misleading, but really there aren't any mobs in the map to prove it, no different ETC whatsoever and you can clearly see that we were doing the prequests together. When I said "noooo" it was when I noticed he fell and monstres were attacking him so I literally tried to cover but failed, you can see it in the drops. When I said "Don't afk when you're with me. Even when you're on the safest spot." it was a joke between us because of the bad luck that I bring to people. Basically saying don't party with me because this is what's gonna happen to you because I'm jinxed. You got nothing on me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And also, he was literally asking what we think. He was asking for my opinion, I gave it to him. It's that simple.